Σάββατο, Ιανουαρίου 03, 2015

Thousands Flee Homes As Wildfires Rage Across South Australia (global warming is making the wildfires worse and more frequent)

Thousands have fled their homes, as several major wildfires are raging across Southern Australia in what officials are calling the worst fires since 1983, the Guardian reports.
Up to 2,000 firefighters are battling the blaze, with more than a dozen aircraft dumping water onto the fires. Firefighters are struggling and said it could take “days to get the situation under control”. Dry conditions, temperatures as high as 40C, and ghastly winds fanning the flames are aggravating the already grave situation, the Guardian said.

Residents in Adelaide Hills, South Australia, are experiencing the worst of the fires, where flames have destroyed five homes and put hundreds of others in danger, said Daniel Hamilton, a spokesperson for South Australia Country Fire Service, the Guardian reported.

Residents of 19 other communities are also at risk, as a predicted shift in the winds later on Saturday could further intensify the flames. The state has declared a major emergency and told residents to leave, as their lives were at risk.

“If you have decided to stay the fire could become incredibly scary and it could make you change your mind and leave. It could be a catastrophic decision to leave late.” – said South Australia Premier Jay Weatherill.

Although Australia faces wildfires every year, this year has seen the outbreak of the largest bushfires in the state of South Australia since 1983. Environmentalists say global warming is making the wildfires worse and more frequent, the BBC said........................http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150103/1016488675.html

3 σχόλια:

  1. Incendies de brousse hors de contrôle dans le sud de l'Australie ...

    De violents incendies de brousse menaçaient samedi des habitations dans la région d'Adelaïde, dans le sud de l'Australie, les autorités du pays mettant en garde contre l'un des pires épisodes climatiques dans la région depuis les incendies catastrophiques de 1983.

    Selon des responsables locaux, les collines d'Adelaïde, un site réputé pour sa production vinicole, situé au nord-est de la ville, font face "à un incendie incroyablement dangereux", accompagné de vents violents et de fortes températures", contre lequel il est difficile de lutter.

    La zone est habitée par quelque 40.000 personnes qui ont été appelées à quitter leur domicile au plus vite par les autorités locales."Nous faisons face en ce moment à un incendie extrémement dangereux", a déclaré le chef des pompiers d'Australie du Sud, Greg Nettleton.

    Cinq habitations ont été détruites, un chiffre qui devrait s'aggraver du fait de vents atteignant 110 km/h.

    En 1983, des incendies violents avaient fait plus de 70 morts dans les régions d'Australie du Sud et de Victoria après avoir ravagé des milliers d'habitations et d'immeubles, et en février 2009, un "samedi noir" avait fait 173 morts à Victoria et détruit plus de 2.000 habitations.

    Les incendies de brousse sont communs en Australie durant les mois d'été.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2015_01_03/Incendies-de-brousse-hors-de-controle-dans-le-sud-de-lAustralie-9880/

  2. Bushfires in South Australia 'destroy dozens of homes' ...

    More than 30 homes are feared destroyed in South Australia as crews continue to battle out-of-control bushfires.

    More than 800 firefighters are tackling the blazes, which have been burning for several days in the hills around the city of Adelaide.

    Officials say the fires are the worst in the area since the Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1983, which left 75 dead.

    Cooler weather may help firefighters tame the flames, which have been fanned by high winds and temperatures.

    But South Australia Premier Jay Weatherill said the situation remained critical.

    "We're by no means through this particular emergency," he said..................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-30670966

  3. South Australia bushfire: Firefighters warn of worsening weather ...

    Firefighters in South Australia say they are racing to contain a major bushfire before soaring temperatures and high winds fuel the blaze.

    More than 30 homes are already feared destroyed in the hills behind the city of Adelaide.

    More than 500 firefighters are tackling the fires, which have been burning since Friday.

    Officials say the blaze is the worst in the area since the Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1983, which left 75 dead.

    Temperatures are forecast to hit 34C in Adelaide on Monday before rising to as high as 38C on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to Australia's Bureau of Meteorology.

    Speaking to the BBC, Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said: "We are doing everything we possibly can but nature is powerful, fires are powerful and everyone must respond to that threat."...............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-30677472


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