Τρίτη, Δεκεμβρίου 30, 2014

US Navy sends ship to assist AirAsia flight searching

The United States has sent a destroyer to the Java Sea to assist in searching for a missing AirAsia jetliner, US officials said Monday.

The USS Sampson was expected to arrive Tuesday in the search zone for Flight QZ8501, which lost contact on Sunday with 162 people on board.

"The US Navy is working closely with the government of Indonesia to identify additional surface or airborne capabilities that best assist their search efforts," the Navy's 7th Fleet said in a statement.

The State Department earlier said that the help was at the request of the Indonesian government.

"Our embassy in Jakarta is in close contact with Indonesian officials, and today, we received a request for assistance locating the airplane," said Jeffrey Rathke, a State Department spokesman.

Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said the assistance "could include air, surface and sub-surface detection capabilities."

Indonesia, Malaysia and several other countries are searching for the missing plane, which went missing en route from Surabaya in Indonesia's east Java to Singapore after the pilots requested a change of flight plan in a stormy weather.

  Source: Xinhua - globaltimes.cn

5 σχόλια:

  1. Search for missing AirAsia plane expands with more aircraft, ships joining ...

    More countries were sending planes and ships on Tuesday to join an expanding search operation in the Java Sea off Indonesia where an AirAsia plane disappeared as the sea and aerial hunt entered its third day.

    Around 30 ships, 15 fixed-wing aircraft and seven helicopters from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia had been scouring the missing flight QZ8501 in some 10,000 square nautical miles on Tuesday, said Bambang Sulistyo, head of the National Search and Rescue Agency.

    He told a local TV that the search would be expanded to land areas with helicopters beginning to comb land on Kalimantan as well as islands in the area. So far the search has been focused on the Java Sea between the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.

    Meanwhile, more countries were joining the international search efforts for the Airbus A320-200, which was flying from Surabaya in Indonesia's East Java province to Singapore on Sunday with 162 people aboard.

    China said on Monday it would send a warship and an Air Force jet to help look for the missing AirAsia plane.

    A Navy frigate on a routine patrol in the South China Sea was heading to the waters where flight QZ8501 went missing, the Defense Ministry said in a statement..............http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/899252.shtml

  2. AirAsia QZ8501: 'Six bodies' found in missing plane search ...

    At least six bodies have been found and at least three recovered in the search for missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501, Indonesian officials and media say.

    The bodies were spotted along with debris floating in the Java Sea off the Indonesian part of Borneo, in one of the search zones for the plane.

    One official said the debris was 95% likely to be from the missing aircraft.

    The Airbus A320-200, carrying 162 people from Surabaya in Indonesia to Singapore, disappeared on Sunday....................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30630330

  3. Bodies and debris seen by teams searching for missing AirAsia plane ...

    A life vest, luggage and aircraft parts were among the debris identified in the waters.

    Officials said they were 95% certain that the area where the plane went down had been located.

    Debris spotted during an aerial search for flight QZ8501 is from the missing plane, Indonesia's director general of civil aviation said.

    "For the time being it can be confirmed that it's the AirAsia plane and the transport minister will depart soon to Pangkalan Bun," Djoko Murjatmodjo said.

    "Based on the observation by search and rescue personnel, significant things have been found such as a passenger door and cargo door.

    "It's in the sea, 100 miles (160km) southwest of Pangkalan Bun," he said, referring to the town in Central Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo....................http://www.rte.ie/news/2014/1230/669523-airasia-plane-indonesia/

  4. Los equipos de rescate indonesios han recuperado más de 40 cuerpos del lugar en que fueron hallados fragmentos del avión de AirAsia, en el mar de Java, comunicó este martes el portavoz de la Marina, Manahan Simorangkir...

    "Se ha reportado que el buque Bung Tomo ha rescatado 40 cuerpos y el número va en aumento", dijo Simorangkir citado por AFP.

    Previamente Indonesia confirmó que los objetos, descubiertos en el mar por un avión de la Fuerza Aérea de Indonesia, son del Airbus 320-200 que desapareció el domingo.................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/asia/20141230/1032924506.html

    1. Indonesian Rescue Workers Recover More Than 40 AirAsia Victims ...

      ndonesian National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) workers have recovered more than 40 bodies floating in the Java Sea, three of them have been lifted by the team, according to Al Arabiya.

      MOSCOW, December 30 (Sputnik) — Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) workers have discovered more than 40 bodies floating in the Java Sea most likely from AirAsia flight QZ8501, an Indonesian Air Force commander said Tuesday.

      "Three bodies have been lifted by a team on the Bung Tomo ship," VIVAnews military portal quoted Air Force Commander Jhonson Simatupang as saying at the military base near the city of Pangkalan Bun...................http://sputniknews.com/asia/20141230/1016390206.html


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