Τρίτη, Δεκεμβρίου 30, 2014

Recovery of bodies, debris of AirAsia flight underway (Indonesia)

More than 40 bodies have been recovered by an Indonesian Navy ship as crews worked to mark debris and retrieve swollen corpses floating in the Java Sea from AirAsia Flight QZ8501 that went missing Sunday, Indonesian officials said Tuesday (Dec 30).

"Based on the navy radio, it has been reported that the warship Bung Tomo has retrieved 40 bodies and the number is growing. They are very busy now," Manahan Simorangkir, a Indonesian Navy spokesman told AFP.

Earlier, Indonesia's rescue agency detailed the discovery of debris from the passenger jet and a related sighting of the suspected aircraft on the sea floor.

"At 13:25 ... we spotted a floating object believed to be one of the passengers' bodies," BASARNAS, Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Agency, Air Chief Marshal FH Bambang Soelistyo told a press conference earlier....................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/indonesia-rescue-agency/1558094.html


2 σχόλια:

  1. Indonesian rescuers say 3 bodies, not 40 recovered at AirAsia plane crash site ...

    Indonesian rescuers recovered three bodies instead of earlier reported number of over 40 from the Java Sea, where a Malaysian passenger aircraft was discovered on Tuesday after it went missing over the weekend, Bambang Soelistyo, The head of Indonesia’s national search and rescue agency, said.

    “We have recovered three bodies today and they are currently on board the [Indonesian Navy’s] Bung Tomo-class corvette,” he said adding that the discovered bodies belong to two females and one male.

    Commenting on earlier reports that rescuers recovered over 40 bodies from the crash scene, Soelistyo said the information emerged as a result of “misunderstanding” between rescue services working in the area......................http://itar-tass.com/en/world/770034

  2. AirAsia QZ8501: Bad weather hampers recovery of bodies ...

    Efforts to locate victims and wreckage of AirAsia flight QZ8501 which crashed into the Java Sea in Indonesia on Sunday are being hampered by stormy weather and strong tides.

    Indonesian officials have confirmed that remains and debris found in the waters off Borneo are from the plane.

    The authorities say that six bodies have now been retrieved.................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30639206


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