Παρασκευή, Ιανουαρίου 02, 2015

Eco Geoplasm and Ydrodrom World News (January 2015 - B)

Les catastrophes naturelles en 2014 ont coûté nettement moins de vies humaines et causé moins de dégâts matériels que celles de 2013, selon une étude publiée mercredi par Munich Re .

Le géant allemand de la réassurance, dont l’étude annuelle fait référence en la matière, estime à 110 milliards de dollars (93 milliards d’euros) les coûts cumulés des catastrophes de l’an dernier, moins que l’année précédente (140 milliards de dollars) et que la moyenne des dix et même des 30 dernières années....................Le coût des catastrophes naturelles a reculé en 2014


January 2015 a


29 σχόλια:

  1. Repsol abandona la búsqueda de hidrocarburos en Canarias ...

    Repsol anunció hoy que abandona las prospecciones en busca de petróleo en la islas Canarias porque lo encontrado hasta ahora no tiene la calidad suficiente.

    La compañía energética inició los sondeos el pasado 18 de noviembre a 60 kilómetros de las costas de Lanzarote y Formentera, en medio de una oleada de protestas por el posible daño ecológico que podrían causar unas perforaciones en una zona de alto valor medioambiental.

    En un comunicado, Repsol informó que "el análisis de las muestras obtenidas en el sondeo denominado Sandía confirma la existencia de gas sin el volumen ni la calidad suficientes para considerar una futura extracción". Las exploraciones confirmaron que en el subsuelo había petróleo y gas, pero los almacenes investigados estaban saturados de agua y los hidrocarburos se hallaban en capas muy delgadas y no explotables.........................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/espana/20150116/1033309165.html

  2. Eruption volcanique aux Tonga: une nouvelle île est née ...

    Un volcan en éruption dans l'archipel polynésien des Tonga a créé une nouvelle île d'envergure en raison des énormes volumes de rochers et de cendres qu'il crache depuis près d'un mois, ont annoncé vendredi les autorités locales, citées par l'AFP.

    Le volcan, situé à environ 65 km au sud-ouest de la capitale du royaume, Nuku'alofa, s'est réveillé le 20 décembre pour la première fois en cinq ans, a expliqué le ministère des Terres et des ressources naturelles.

    L'éruption se produit via deux cratères, l'un situé dans l'île inhabitée de Hunga Ha'apai, l'autre étant sous-marin, à environ 100 mètres des côtes.Des spécialistes ont inspecté la zone par bateau jeudi et ont constaté que l'éruption avait changé le paysage.

    "La nouvelle île fait plus d'un kilomètre de large, deux kilomètres de long et une centaine de mètres de haut", a dit le ministère dans un communiqué.......http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2015_01_16/Eruption-volcanique-aux-Tonga-une-nouvelle-ile-est-nee-7541/

  3. 60 morts dans des inondations au Malawi et au Mozambique ...

    De nouvelles fortes pluies étaient attendues en fin de semaine dans la zone frontalière entre le Malawi et la Mozambique, ravagée par des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait au moins une soixantaine de morts, des dizaines de disparus et 100 000 sans-abris.

    "Ce à quoi on assiste n'est que le début du commencement des pluies. Le gouvernement appelle la population vivant dans les districts exposés aux inondations à se déplacer d'urgence vers des zones plus en altitude pour éviter de nouvelles pertes humaines", a déclaré Paul Chiunguzeni, premier secrétaire à la gestion des catastrophes au Malawi, dans un communiqué..................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_au-moins-60-morts-dans-des-inondations-au-malawi-et-au-mozambique?id=8786270

  4. Gaz: l'Europe risque de geler cet hiver (expert US)...

    La tendance à suivre la politique américaine de durcissement des sanctions contre Moscou pourrait créer pour l'Europe un risque de coupure des approvisionnements en gaz russe cet hiver, estime l'analyste politique et économiste Paul Craig Roberts, sous-secrétaire au Trésor dans l'administration Reagan.

    "La Russie a déclaré qu'elle ne livrerait plus son gaz via l'Ukraine. Il sera acheminé via la Turquie. Si l'Europe le souhaite, elle pourra construire un gazoduc depuis la Turquie", a indiqué M. Roberts.

    Et de conclure: "il est très probable que l'Europe gèle cet hiver".....................http://fr.ria.ru/business/20150116/203436916.html

  5. Maldives may disappear due to global sea level rise ...

    Sea levels are rising record high. The latest study by scientists at Harvard University shows that in the past 25 years, sea has swallowed 250% more land than that was claimed by oceans in more than 90 years of the past century. By 2100, the sea level might rise by dozens of centimeters. This means that many islands and coastal regions are at the risk of being claimed by the ocean in the near future.

    The sea level is rising faster than expected. This takes place due to the thermal expansion of water and melting of glaciers and polar ice caps in Greenland and West Antarctica. These processes are caused by human activities, says head of the WWF’s “Climate and Energy” programme Alexei Kokorin.

    “This has been confirmed also by Russian scientists, especially at the Institute of Oceanology at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The speed of sea level rise has really increased. Moreover, this process will continue and speed up. As a result, sea level will rise by one meter by the end of the 21st century. The forecast for the 22nd century is that either anthropogenic impact on climate will be minimized or the sea level will rise up to 3 meters. It is not excluded that the rise will be 5-10 meters in the long term. This will happen especially if human activities on climate will continue and greenhouse effect intensifies,” Kokorin said.............Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/2015_01_16/Maldives-may-disappear-due-to-global-sea-level-rise/

  6. A new species of legless amphibian resembling a giant earthworm or a snake has been discovered in a remote but threatened area of Cambodian rainforest, conservationists said Friday...

    The grey-brown creature, Ichthyophis cardamomensis, was found in Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains,

    The new species is often mistaken for a snake, with larger species known to grow up to 1.5 meters in length.

  7. Record-breaking temperatures scorched the planet last year, making 2014 the hottest in more than a century and raising new concerns about global warming, US government scientists said Friday...

    The much-anticipated report by scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was confirmed by an independent analysis from the US space agency NASA that reached the same conclusion.

    "Record warmth was spread around the world," said the NOAA report.

    "The globally averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces for 2014 was the highest among all years since record keeping began in 1880."

    For the year, the average temperature was 1.24 degrees Fahrenheit (0.69 Celsius) above the 20th century average, beating the previous record-holding years of 2005 and 2010 by 0.07 F (0.04 C).

    Parts of the world that saw record heat included Russia, western Alaska, the western United States, parts of interior South America, parts of eastern and western coastal Australia, north Africa and most of Europe....................http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/120479.aspx

  8. Japan marks 20th anniversary of killer quake in Kobe...

    Japan on Saturday (Jan 17) marked the 20th anniversary of the Kobe earthquake that killed more than 6,400 people with renewed calls for the quake-prone nation to stay vigilant against the next 'Big One'.

    More than 14,000 people gathered to commemorate the victims in the western port city of Kobe, where a 7.2-magnitude quake hit at 5.46am on Jan 17, 1995. The quake, which killed 6,434 people, levelled much of the city and sparked a major review of quake preparedness in the island-nation that suffers about one fifth of the world's most powerful tremors.

    The warning was brought into reality four years ago when a 9.0 magnitude quake struck in March 2011, triggering a huge tsunami that smashed into the country's northeast coast, killing around 18,000 people and creating the world's worst nuclear emergency in a generation. Kobe survivors and family members of victims gathered before dawn to lay bouquets and light thousands of candles in a park used as an evacuation centre after the 1995 jolt.....................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/japan-marks-20th/1596380.html

  9. Αυξημένος Κίνδυνος Εμφάνισης Αιθαλομίχλης το Σαββατοκύριακο ...

    Συστάσεις προς τους πολίτες προκειμένου να αποφύγουν την άσκοπη χρήση τζακιών το Σαββατοκύριακο απηύθυναν για άλλη μια φορά τα υπουργεία Περιβάλλοντος και Υγείας, καθώς, όπως επισημαίνουν, η Εθνική Μετεωρολογική Υπηρεσία προβλέπει ότι ο καιρός ευνοεί τη συσσώρευση ατμοσφαιρικής ρύπανσης.

    Η παρουσία των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων (βασικά συστατικά της αιθαλομίχλης) ήταν έντονη και την Πέμπτη. Στους σταθμούς μέτρησης του Πειραιά και της Αριστοτέλους οι επικίνδυνοι για τη δημόσια υγεία ρύποι άγγιξαν τα 64 μικρογραμμάρια ανά κυβικό μέτρο αέρα (μg/m3), στον σταθμό του Αμαρουσίου τα 58 μg/m3 και της Λυκόβρυσης τα 47 μg/m3. Μικροσωματίδια μετρούνται μόνο σε έξι από τους 15 σταθμούς μέτρησης που λειτουργούν στην Αττική...................http://www.energia.gr/article.asp?art_id=89619

  10. Channel tunnel reopens after closure due to lorry fire ...

    Eurotunnel services have resumed following a lorry fire that left thousands of passengers stranded on both sides of the Channel.

    All passenger services and the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle car service were halted after the vehicle caught fire at the French end of the underground railway’s south tunnel on Saturday.

    Large queues built up at St Pancras station, Eurostar’s London terminus, as services were cancelled following the fire, and similar scenes were reported in Paris, with many holidaymakers forced to look for alternative transport or hotels.

    A Eurotunnel spokesman said on Twitter: “Service resuming from the UK at 02.45 UK Time and from France at 04.30 CET.”

    Empty trains were sent through the tunnel to ensure it was clear and customers were being offered transfers to ferries until the service recommenced, the spokesman added...............http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2015/jan/18/channel-tunnel-reopens-after-closure-due-to-lorry-fire

  11. La roca espacial conocida como 2004 BL86 podría acercarse a una distancia crítica de 1,2 millones de kilómetros a la Tierra, tres veces la distancia que nos separa de la Luna. Su acercamiento se espera para el 26 de enero...

    Este asteroide será el que más se acerque a la Tierra hasta la aproximación de la siguiente roca espacial, 1999 AN10, cuya llegada se espera para el 7 de agosto 2027, según Metro.

    Las últimas estimaciones indican que AN10, de 0,6 kilómetros de diámetro, podría acercarse a una distancia de 30.577 kilómetros.

  12. Floods in Malaysia, in the state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, have forced over 1,000 people to leave their homes, the Malaysian Star newspaper reported Monday...

    As of 9:50 p.m. local time (01:50 GMT) on Sunday, “at least 1,023 people from all over the state had been evacuated”, The Star said, citing Shalihan Annuar, the National Security Council’s assistant secretary for Sarawak.

    According to Shalihan, the numbers of evacuees are expected to increase.

    The Star said that the floods caused by heavy rainfall have forced the Meteorological Department to issue an "orange" alert warning.............http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150119/1017061371.html

  13. A worker at Japan's destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant died on Tuesday after falling inside a water storage tank, the latest in a spate of industrial accidents at the site of the March 2011 nuclear disaster, the world's worst since Chernobyl...

    The death is the second in Fukushima in less than a year. Last week, labor inspectors warned the operator of the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co., about the rise in accidents and ordered it to take measures to deal with the problem...............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/20/us-japan-fukushima-labor-idUSKBN0KT05K20150120?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  14. Eurasia’s largest volcano, Klyuchevskoi (aka Klyuchevskaya Sopka) woke up in the early hours of January 20, a source at the Kamchatka volcanic observatory told TASS...

    “Klyuchevskoi’s volcanic activity intensified overnight to Tuesday,” he said. “It disgorged a red-hot blast to the elevation of 200 meters (above its crater), and the column of volcanic cinders reached 6,000 meters above sea level.”

    A small stream of lava about 1,000 meters long was descending down the southeastern slope at the time of reporting and the eruptions continued.

    The Klyuchevckoi, which is believed to be about 7,000 years old, has a variable height and it has been 4,385 meters tall since the previous eruption that occurred on August 15, 2013.

    Apart from being the largest active volcano in Eurasia, it is also the tallest mountain in Russia outside the Caucasus.

    All in all, the Kamchatka Peninsula has 29 active volcanoes.

  15. Graeco-Roman necropolis discovered in Alexandria ...

    Illegal excavations carried out by tombs raiders underneath a residential house in Alexandria have uncovered a Graeco-Roman necropolis.

    Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh Eldamaty told Ahram Online that the necropolis, in the Gebel Mahran area, includes a collection of tombs called Likoli, which have holes engraved in a rock-hewn wall.

    The tomb raiders unearthed a collection of artefacts including 20 clay lamps, 18 glass bottles and a large number of clay pots.

    Eldamaty said the pots give us a view of the pot industry during that period.

    The ministry of antiquities is to send an archeological mission to the site to continue excavations and reveal more of these tombs.

    The Tourism and Antiquities Police caught the criminal red-handed and they are now under investigations.

  16. ¿Descubierto el elixir de la juventud? ...

    Científicos de una universidad suiza pueden haber encontrado una nueva manera de extender la vida mediante la activación de un gen que destruye las células enfermas.

    Un grupo de biólogos de la Universidad de Berna han descubierto en un experimento un gen llamado 'ahuizotl', que actúa controlando la calidad celular: ayuda a eliminar células enfermas o aquellas que funcionan de forma deficiente. Se cree que el gen ayuda a proteger órganos cruciales como el cerebro o el intestino de la acumulación de células potencialmente dañinas.

    Cuando los científicos proporcionaron una copia adicional de este gen a los protagonistas del experimento, moscas de la fruta, sus tejidos se hicieron más saludables y empezaron a envejecer de una manera más lenta. Christa Rhiner, autora del estudio, afirmó: "Nuestras moscas alcanzaron esperanzas de vida medias de un 50% a un 60% más largas que las de las moscas normales"...............http://actualidad.rt.com/ciencias/163949-mosca-vida-ciencia-berna-suiza

  17. One killed during bridge collapse demolition in Cincinnati...

    One person has been killed after an aging bridge on Interstate 75 in Cincinnati, Ohio prematurely collapsed while it was being prepared for demolition. Another person was taken to hospital to be treated for injuries sustained.

    The "catastrophic pancake collapse" of a section of the Hopple Street overpass occurred around 10:30 p.m. EST on Monday, according to Cincinnati officials, who shut down part of the interstate................http://rt.com/usa/224527-bridge-collapse-cincinnati-worker/

  18. En medio de la peor sequía que se recuerda Brasil desperdicia el 37% del agua potable...

    Los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua potable en Brasil desperdician una media del 37% del total del agua tratada para el consumo humano, según se desprende del último informe del Ministerio de las Ciudades divulgado este miércoles por el diario brasileño Folha de Sao Paulo.

    En concreto, el informe recogió los datos del Sistema Nacional de Informaciones de Saneamiento Básico de 2013 y observó que la tendencia en el derroche no mejoró sino que se agravó un 0,1% desde 2012 mientras que el consumo de agua se ha mantenido en un crecimiento continuo..............http://mundo.sputniknews.com/americalatina/20150121/1033508090.html

  19. Tropical storm kills 46 in Madagascar ...

    A tropical storm that overwhelmed Madagascar last week has left at least 46 people dead and more than 120,000 others injured, the state-run National Bureau of Risk and Disaster Management has said.

    The bureau said previously that tropical storm "Chedza" had killed 15 people and injured 100,000 others.

    It said in a Wednesday statement that the central region of Vakinankaratra had been the most affected by the storm, noting that 12 people in the region had been killed.

    It added that around 53,000 people had been affected by the storm in the southeastern Vatovavy Fitovinany region.

    "Rains that accompanied the storm left six people dead and badly harmed 43,000 others in the Analamanga region, which includes capital Antananarivo," the bureau stated.

    It went on to note that most deaths had occurred due to building collapses and landslides.

    Madagascar remains in a state of high alert in the wake of the storm, which overwhelmed ten of the island-nation's 22 regions.

  20. Unter dem Grönländischen Eisschild liegen große Seen mit Schmelzwasser, die sich binnen kurzer Zeit entleeren und wieder auffüllen können....

    Das berichten zwei Teams von US-Wissenschaftlern in den Fachzeitschriften Nature und The Cryosphere. Die in den Schmelzwasser-Massen gespeicherte Wärme drohe Teile des Eisschildes von innen auszuhöhlen. Außerdem könne das Wasser auf dem Felsbett unter den Gletschern den Eisfluss beschleunigen. Die Wissenschaftler werten ihre Beobachtung als weiteren Hinweis auf die schwerwiegenden Folgen des Klimawandels.

    Mit einer Ausdehnung von 1,8 Millionen Quadratkilometern ist der Grönländische Eisschild die weltweit zweitgrößte permanent vereiste Fläche nach dem Antarktischen Eisschild. Derzeit beschäftigen sich viele Wissenschaftler mit den Bewegungen des Schmelzwassers unter dem Schild..................http://kurier.at/politik/weltchronik/klimawandel-schmelzwasser-unter-groenland-eis/109.506.633

  21. Κίνα: Προχωρά σε Εξορύξεις στην Ανταρκτική ...

    Παρά τη διεθνή συμφωνία που έχει υπογραφεί για την απαγόρευση κάθε είδους εξόρυξης και εκμετάλλευσης των κοιτασμάτων της Ανταρκτικής, η Κίνα σχεδιάζει να προχωρήσει στην εξόρυξή τους όταν της δοθεί η ευκαιρία, όπως αναφέρουν δημοσιεύματα του αυστραλιανού Τύπου, σύμφωνα με το ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ.

    Ως γνωστόν, το υπέδαφος της Ανταρκτικής είναι πλούσιο και διαθέτει μεγάλα κοιτάσματα πετρελαίου, φυσικού αερίου και πολύτιμων μεταλλευμάτων. Εδώ και αρκετό χρονικό διάσημα, η Κίνα έχει αρχίσει να ενδιαφέρεται για την παγωμένη Ανταρκτική και έχει αρχίσει ήδη μια σειρά επιστημονικών προγραμμάτων και ερευνών αυξάνοντας και επεκτείνοντας την παρουσία της εκεί, δημιουργώντας νέους σταθμούς..................http://www.energia.gr/article.asp?art_id=89847

  22. Fukushima : la décontamination de l'eau prendra plus de temps que prévu...

    La décontamination du site ravagé de la centrale de Fukushima au Japon prend plus de temps que prévu. Ce vendredi, Tepco qui gère le site a annoncé qu'il lui faudrait plus de temps que prévu pour décontaminer l'eau conservée sur place depuis le 11 mars 2011.

    Une annonce qui tombe mal puisqu'elle intervient alors que deux employés sont morts, à 24 heures d'intervalle dont un alors qu'il travaillait sur un réservoir de stockage d'eau de pluie contaminée.

    "A peu près la moitié de la quantité de liquide radioactif stocké a été en partie expurgé, mais le travail va se poursuivre au-delà de la date limite prévue", expliqué Tepco qui estime que deux mois supplémentaires seront sans doute nécessaire pour terminer le travail.

    "Si le rythme actuel (Ndlr : de décontamination) est maintenu, cette tâche sera terminée courant mai", affirme Tepco qui souligne que les équipements employés ont mieux fonctionné ces derniers mois, après des débuts très difficiles...............http://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/energie-environnement/0204103779841-fukushima-la-decontamination-de-leau-prendra-plus-de-temps-que-prevu-1086160.php?LM9PgF31rALoGgDs.99#xtor=RSS37

  23. Coal production drops in China for 1st time in 14 years ...

    China recorded its first drop in coal production since 2000 last year, as the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitter pulls back on its use of the fossil fuel and switches to cleaner energy sources.

    According to the country's national coal association, China produced 3.5 billion tons of coal in the first 11 months of 2014, 2.1 percent less than the same period in 2013. The association estimates the drop for the entire year will reach 2.5 percent.

    The report, quoted by the official Xinhua News Agency on Friday, said the profits of major Chinese coal companies dropped 44 percent in that same period to 110.5 billion yuan, or $18 billion, amid low global coal prices.

    In November, China pledged to stop the growth in its carbon emissions by 2030, and leaders are under pressure to fight air pollution affecting much of the country.

    China depends on coal for 80 percent of its electricity supply and about two-thirds of total energy.

    The country has quickly become a world leader in solar and wind energy and aims to produce 20 percent of its electricity through non-fossil fuel sources, including nuclear, by 2030, double the current share.

  24. UN moves toward major treaty for ocean biodiversity...

    United States: United Nations (UN) member states agreed on Saturday (Jan 24) to begin negotiations on a treaty to protect marine biodiversity in ocean areas extending beyond territorial waters, in a move heralded by environmental organizations.

    The eventual UN treaty would be the first to specifically address protection of marine life, calling for the preservation of vast areas threatened by pollution, overfishing and global warming.

    But the agreement was reached only after a small group of countries engaged in fishing and ocean mining blocked a more rapid timeline during the discussions between experts from the 193 member countries. A majority of nations called for quick action but several countries such as the United States, Russia, Canada, Iceland and Japan expressed reluctance.

    The treaty represents international zones that make up 64 per cent of the world's oceans or a total of 43 per cent of Earth's surface.

    "This is the biggest biosphere on earth and there is no legal instrument in place to establish national parks at sea to protect marine life," Karen Sack of the Pew Charitable Trusts told AFP..................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/un-moves-toward-major/1613504.html

  25. Cameron Rejects Calls for Fracking Ban by UK State Environmental Watchdog...

    The UK Prime Minister David Cameron rejected the call for a moratorium on fracking by members of parliament in the UK Environment Audit Committee (EAC) on Monday.

    “I want to see unconventional [shale] gas properly exploited in our country,” David Cameron was quoted as saying by The Guardian.

    According to Cameron, fracking would provide greater energy security for the United Kingdom. “We want to keep prices down, we also want to tackle climate change,” he added.

    At the same time in a leaked letter posted on the Guardian’s website, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, instructed cabinet ministers to speed up progress on fracking...................http://sputniknews.com/environment/20150126/1017374635.html

  26. Storms threatens the northeast US with historic snow...

    Cities big and small along the Philadelphia-to-Boston corridor of more than 35 million people began shutting down and bundling up on Monday against a powerful and potentially historic storm that could unload up to 3 feet (90 centimeters) of snow.

    More than 5,000 flights were canceled, schools and businesses planned to close early, and cities mobilized snowplows and salt spreaders, getting ready for a dangerously windy blast that could instantly make up for what has been a largely snow-free winter in the urban Northeastern US.

    Snow was already falling during the morning commute in several cities, including Philadelphia and New York, with Boston up next in the afternoon. Forecasters said the brunt of the storm would hit Monday evening and into Tuesday................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/Storms-threatens-the-northeast-US-with-historic-snow/articleshow/46024254.cms

  27. Floods caused by torrential rains have forced more than 3,000 people to flee their homes in the Peruvian section of Amazon, an official said Monday...

    Col. Jorge Velasquez of the Civil Defense Institute said that around 690 families have been affected in the remote region of San Martin, 1,400 km northeast of Lima.

    The flooding of the Huallaga River has destroyed hundreds of homes and about 3,000 hectares of crops, and thousands of people now have to sleep in tents along highways, waiting for humanitarian aid, said Velasquez.

    Relief is hard as parts of the highways are flooded, he said.

    Peruvian President Ollanta Humala has canceled his trip to Costa Rica for a summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States.

  28. Earthquake M 5.0 - CRETE, GREECE - 94 km S of Pýrgos - local time: 17:54 ...

    Magnitude mb 5.0
    Region CRETE, GREECE
    Date time 2015-01-28 15:54:36.5 UTC
    Location 34.17 N ; 24.96 E
    Depth 30 km
    Distances 437 km S of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 17:54:36.5 2015-01-28
    130 km S of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 17:54:36.5 2015-01-28
    94 km S of Pýrgos, Greece / pop: 1,134 / local time: 17:54:36.5 2015-01-28

  29. World Bank President Jim Yong Kim warns of pandemic threat...

    World Bank President Jim Yong Kim has warned that the world remains "dangerously unprepared" for deadly pandemics such as the Ebola outbreak that has killed thousands in west Africa.

    "The Ebola outbreak has been devastating in terms of lives lost and the loss of economic growth in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone," Mr Kim said in a speech at Georgetown University in Washington.

    "We need to make sure that we get to zero cases in this Ebola outbreak.

    "At the same time, we need to prepare for future pandemics that could become far more deadly and infectious than what we have seen so far with Ebola."

    Mr Kim said that a mix of international organisations such as his own, governments, businesses, non-governmental groups and donors need to put more efforts into planning for future possible pandemics.

    He said they need to build "stronger health systems, improved surveillance and chains of supply and transportation, and fast-acting medical response teams".

    "We must learn the lessons from the Ebola outbreak because there is no doubt we will be faced with other pandemics in the years to come."..................http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0128/676082-ebola/


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