Πέμπτη, Ιανουαρίου 01, 2015

Eco Isotop and Geo Introspect Flash News (January 2015 - A)

Les pertes économiques liées aux désastres et catastrophes naturelles sont évaluées à 113 milliards de dollars (90,7 milliards d’euros) en 2014, en recul de 16% par rapport à 2013 - où ce montant atteignait 135 milliards de dollars - selon une première estimation du groupe suisse de réassurance Swiss Re publiée mercredi......................Dans l’ordre, les pertes les plus importantes ont été causées par les tempêtes de neige au Japon en février dernier

44 σχόλια:

  1. 800 Flüchtlinge auf "Geisterschiff" entgehen knapp Katastrophe ...

    Fast 800 Bootsflüchtlinge auf einem führerlosem Frachter sind vor Süditalien nur knapp einer Katastrophe entgangen. Das Schiff "Blue Sky M" mit 768 Migranten an Bord steuerte in der Nacht auf Mittwoch auf die Küste der Region Apulien zu. Nur eine Intervention von Einsatzkräften verhinderte, dass das Schiff mit blockiertem Motor auf die apulische Küste prallte. "Es war ein Kampf gegen die Zeit ... eine Tragödie wurde verhindert", sagte ein Sprecher der italienischen Küstenwache. Ein mutmaßlicher Schlepper wurde festgenommen. Von der Besatzung fehlte jede Spur.

    Auf dem Frachter, der unter der Flagge Moldaus fuhr, waren nach Medienangaben vor allem Syrer. Auch viele Kinder und Schwangere seien an Bord gewesen, eine davon sei kurz vor der Geburt gestanden. Etwa 130 Menschen kamen vorsorglich ins Krankenhaus. Viele litten an Unterkühlung.
    Besatzung tauchte unter

    Das Schiff, das eigentlich die kroatische Hafenstadt Rijeka ansteuern sollte, wurde im Hafen von Gallipoli beschlagnahmt. Anders als zunächst befürchtet wurden keine Waffen an Bord gefunden. Das Rote Kreuz teilte mit, dass Schiff sei in der Straße von Otranto, der Meerenge zwischen Italien und Albanien, verlassen worden. Die Besatzungsmitglieder sind verschwunden. Ob sie mit Booten geflüchtet sind oder sich unter die Flüchtlinge gemischt hatten, blieb zunächst unklar....................http://diepresse.com/home/panorama/welt/4629664/800-Fluchtlinge-auf-Geisterschiff-entgehen-knapp-Katastrophe?from=rss

  2. Ποδαρικό με χιόνια και παγετό κάνει το 2015 ...

    Συγκεκριμένα, αλυσίδες χρειάζονται τα οχήματα που κινούνται αυτή την ώρα στην Παλαιά Εθνική Οδό Αθηνών- Θηβας, από 30-ό χλμ, στο ρεύμα προς Αθήνα, καθώς και από το 4-ο χλμ, στο ρεύμα προς Θήβα, στην περιοχή της Μάνδρας, στην Ιπποκράτειο Πολιτεία και στο επαρχιακό δίκτυο Μάνδρας- Ειδυλλίας που περιλαμβάνει την Ψάθα, το Πόρτο- Γερμενό, την Οινόη, τα Βίλια και το Αλεποχώρι.

    Η κυκλοφορία έχει διακοπεί από χθες στην περιφερειακή οδό Πεντέλης- Ν. Μάκρης, στο ύψος του στρατιωτικού νοσοκομείου Πεντέλης «414», έως τη διασταύρωση Αγ. Πέτρου, στη λεωφόρο Πάρνηθας, από το τελεφερίκ ως το Καζίνο, στη λεωφόρο Φυλής στο ύψος της Μονής Κλειστών και στην επαρχιακή οδό Ελευσίνας- Δερβενοχωρίων.

    Σε Ιωάννινα, Χανιά, Μυτιλήνη και περιοχές της Αττικής εντοπίζονται τα σοβαρότερα προβλήματα στην ηλεκτροδότηση λόγω της κακοκαιρίας, κυρίως από πτώση δέντρων σε κολώνες του δικτύου....................http://www.ethnos.gr/article.asp?catid=22768&subid=2&pubid=641172481/

  3. Παιχνίδι στα χέρια του Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν παραμένει το «Μπαρμπαρός», το οποίο βρίσκεται στο αγκυροβόλιο του κατεχόμενο λιμανιού της Αμμοχώστου...

    Παραμένοντας στην περιοχή, το σκάφος συνεχίζει τις παραβιάσεις, ενώ είναι προφανές ότι οι Τούρκοι συνδέουν τα επόμενα βήματά τους με την ενεργειακή δραστηριότητα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας. Συγκεκριμένα, την προγραμματισμένη νέα γεώτρηση στο οικόπεδο «Αμαθούσα». Ήδη το Saipem 10000 έφθασε στο χώρο και την ερχόμενη Τρίτη θα αρχίσει η γεώτρηση.

    Η Κυβέρνηση παρακολουθεί τις εξελίξεις, κυρίως τις τουρκικές κινήσεις και αξιολογεί την κατάσταση, όπως ανέφερε αρμόδια πηγή, παραπέμποντας και στη χθεσινή σύσκεψη υπό τον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας. .......http://www.philenews.com/el-gr/eidiseis-politiki/39/235418/choris-telos-polemos-stin-aoz#sthash.2HNlH7Tx.dpuf

  4. Σε κλοιό χιονιά: Κλειστοί δρόμοι, αποκλεισμένα χωριά, δεμένα πλοία ...

    Πολλά προβλήματα παρατηρούνται σε ολόκληρη τη χώρα λόγω των έντονων καιρικών φαινομένων, που έχουν οδηγήσει σε κλείσιμο δρόμων, διακοπή της ηλεκτροδότησης, ενώ τα καράβια παραμένουν δεμένα στα περισσότερα λιμάνια...................http://www.zougla.gr/greece/article/se-klio-xionia-klisti-dromi-apoklismena-xoria-demena-plia

  5. Earthquake M 4.5 - 30 km SW of Zákynthos - local time: 08:16 ...
    Magnitude M 4.5
    Region IONIAN SEA
    Date time 2015-01-02 06:16:31.9 UTC
    Location 37.62 N ; 20.63 E
    Depth 2 km
    275 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 08:16:31.9 2015-01-02
    119 km SW of Pátra, Greece / pop: 163,360 / local time: 08:16:31.9 2015-01-02
    30 km SW of Zákynthos, Greece / pop: 11,541 / local time: 08:16:31.9 2015-01-02
    21 km SW of Mouzaki, Greece / pop: 1,545 / local time: 08:16:31.9 2015-01-02

  6. Italie: un navire, sans équipage, à la dérive avec 450 clandestins ...

    Un navire transportant 450 immigrés clandestins, machines en panne et abandonné par son équipage est à la dérive près des côtes de l’Italie.

    Un hélicoptère a été envoyé pour hélitreuiller des hommes sur le navire afin qu’ils tentent d’en prendre le contrôle, a annoncé l’armée de l’air dans un communiqué.

    Cette nouvelle affaire de clandestins abandonnés en pleine mer par les passeurs, qui rappelle l’odyssée du cargo Blue Sky M au début de la semaine, a été signalée par les garde-côtes italiens dans la soirée de jeudi.

    «Il y a 450 migrants à bord d’un navire marchand, qui n’a pas d’équipage, et qui s’approche de la côte des Pouilles», ont indiqué les garde-côtes sur leur compte Twitter.

    Le navire avait été repéré par un avion des garde-côtes à 130 kilomètres des côtes italiennes.

    Vers minuit, l’armée de l’air annonçait qu’il se trouvait à 65 kilomètres au large du cap de Leuca, à la pointe sud-est de l’Italie, dans une mer agitée.

    «En raison des conditions météorologiques difficiles, le navire ne peut être abordé que par la voie des airs», précisait l’armée de l’air....................http://www.lesoir.be/747026/article/actualite/monde/2015-01-01/italie-un-navire-sans-equipage-derive-avec-450-clandestins

    1. La Guardia Costiera prende il comando del mercantile con 450 migranti e dirige verso il porto di Crotone....

  7. Incendies de brousse hors de contrôle dans le sud de l'Australie ...

    De violents incendies de brousse menaçaient samedi des habitations dans la région d'Adelaïde, dans le sud de l'Australie, les autorités du pays mettant en garde contre l'un des pires épisodes climatiques dans la région depuis les incendies catastrophiques de 1983.

    Selon des responsables locaux, les collines d'Adelaïde, un site réputé pour sa production vinicole, situé au nord-est de la ville, font face "à un incendie incroyablement dangereux", accompagné de vents violents et de fortes températures, contre lequel il est difficile de lutter.

    La zone est habitée par quelque 40 000 personnes qui ont été appelées à quitter leur domicile au plus vite par les autorités locales.

    "Nous faisons face en ce moment à un incendie extrêmement dangereux", a déclaré le chef des pompiers d'Australie du Sud, Greg Nettleton.............http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_incendies-de-brousse-hors-de-controle-dans-le-sud-de-l-australie?id=8700363

    1. Εκατοντάδες πυροσβέστες βοηθούμενοι από αεροσκάφη και δεκάδες πυροσβεστικά οχήματα, δίνουν μάχη με τις φλόγες σε πολλά πύρινα μέτωπα στις πολιτείες της Βικτόριας και της Νότιας Αυστραλίας...

      Πολλά μέτωπα μαίνονται ανεξέλεγκτα και εκφράζονται φόβοι ότι αν δεν τεθούν σύντομα υπό έλεγχο οι πυρκαγιές θα προκαλέσουν τεράστιες καταστροφές. Μάλιστα οι Αρχές έχουν εκδώσει ήδη ανακοινώσεις για εκκένωση οικισμών που αναμένεται να πληγούν από την πύρινη λαίλαπα.

      Σύμφωνα με την Πυροσβεστική Υπηρεσία στη Νότια Αυστραλία η κατάσταση είναι το ίδιο τραγική όπως και πριν 30 χρόνια όταν έχασαν τη ζωή τους δεκάδες άνθρωποι.............http://www.capital.gr/News.asp?id=2192901

  8. La tombe d'une reine pharaonique découverte en Egypte ...

    (Belga) Des archéologues tchèques ont découvert en Egypte la tombe d'une reine jusqu'alors inconnue, "Khant Kaous III", épouse d'un pharaon de la Ve dynastie qui régna il y a quelque 4.500 ans, a annoncé dimanche le ministère égyptien des Antiquités.

    "Pour la première fois, nous découvrons le nom de cette reine qui était jusqu'alors inconnue avant la découverte de sa tombe, " a affirmé le ministre des Antiquités Mamdouh al-Damaty dans un communiqué. La tombe a été mise au jour au sud-ouest du Caire, sur le site d'Abou Sir, qui comprend plusieurs pyramides de pharaons de la Ve dynastie, qui régna sur la Haute Egypte quelque 2.500 ans avant Jésus-Christ. Cette découverte "va permettre de nous éclairer sur certains aspects inconnus de la Ve dynastie, qui avec la IVe dynastie a été témoin de la construction des premières pyramides", a précisé le ministre..................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/international/la-tombe-d-une-reine-pharaonique-decouverte-en-egypte-688978.aspx

  9. Si sveglia il vulcano attivo più alto dell'Eurasia ...

    Nella penisola della Kamchatka è iniziata l'eruzione di Klyuchevskoy, vulcano attivo più alto dell'Eurasia. L'altezza degli schizzi di lava raggiunge i 1.000 metri sopra il cratere.

    L'attività vulcanica sta gradualmente aumentando.

    L'attività del vulcano può rappresentare un pericolo agli aerei che volano fino ad una quota di 6mila metri sul livello del mare.

    L'ultima eruzione di Klyuchevskoy è avvenuta da agosto a dicembre del 2013. L'altezza dei fumi e delle rocce incandescenti emesse era di circa 8mila metri sul livello del mare.

    Kluchevskoy, alto 4750 metri sul livello del mare, è uno dei vulcani più attivi del mondo. Le eruzioni di solito si verificano 1 volta ogni 5-6 anni. Il centro abitato più vicino al vulcano, situato a 30 chilometri dal cratere, è il paese di Klyuchi, dove vivono circa 5.600 persone.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2015_01_04/Si-sveglia-il-vulcano-attivo-piu-alto-dellEurasia-6083/

    1. El volcán más alto de Eurasia expulsa lava a un kilómetro de altura ...

      En la península de Kamchatka, situada en el extremo oriente de Rusia, el volcán Klyuchevskaya, el más activo de Eurasia, ha entrado en erupción, informa TASS.

      El observatorio del Instituto de vulcanología y sismología de Rusia revela que la altura de la columna de la lava alcanza un kilómetro. La actividad del volcán, que va en aumento, puede suponer un peligro para los aviones que vuelen a alturas inferiores a los 6.000 metros.............http://actualidad.rt.com/ultima_hora/162329-volcan-alto-eurasia-expulsar-lava

  10. 600-yr-old tower destroyed in SW China fire ...

    The Gongchen Tower, an ancient city gate tower with a history of more than 600 years, was destroyed in a fire in Southwest China's Yunnan province on Saturday morning, local authorities said.

    The fire broke out in Nanzhao Township, Weishan County, at 2:49 am and was put out two hours later.

    No casualties were reported in the fire but the tower, built in 1390 during China's Ming Dynasty, was burnt down with few scorched wooden structures left.

    The tower, 26 meters long, 15.7 meters wide and 16 meter high, is listed as a key cultural protection site in Yunnan province.

    "I want to cry," said a local resident.

    "Hundreds of history is gone," he lamented.

  11. M 4.5 - CRETE, GREECE - 40 km SE of MakryGialos - local time: 13:54

    Magnitude mb 4.5
    Region CRETE, GREECE
    Date time 2015-01-05 11:54:00.7 UTC
    Location 34.77 N ; 26.25 E
    Depth 10 km
    Distances 412 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 13:54:00.7 2015-01-05
    118 km SE of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 13:54:00.7 2015-01-05
    68 km SE of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 13:54:00.7 2015-01-05
    40 km SE of Makry Gialos, Greece / pop: 4,204 / local time: 13:54:00.7 2015-01-05

  12. Japan Doesn't Know What to Do With Waste From Fukushima Nuclear Accident ...

    It remains unclear where much of the radioactive material recovered following the 2011 nuclear accident at Fukushima will be stored, as municipalities across Japan have voiced heavy opposition to the building of permanent repositories on their territories, The Japan Times reports.

    The Environment Ministry has designated 152,000 tons of contaminated waste resulting from the Fukushima disaster, which includes compost, incinerated ash, paddy straw and sewage sludge from across 12 prefectures. The federal government had planned for the creation of permanent storage and disposal sites in five prefectures in northern and eastern Japan, but many of the projects remain stalled as a result of resistance from local officials and from residents, The Japan Times has explained.

    Plans to build a disposal site in Shioya, Tochigi Prefecture in central Japan were halted following the expression of concern by local residents about how the site would affect a local hot spring. The town's mayor submitted a petition to the Environment Ministry signed by over 170,000 people demanding that the waste be put somewhere else..............http://sputniknews.com/environment/20150105/1016533090.html

  13. Russian, Indian scientists to develop project for chemicals and fuel production ...

    Russian and Indian scientists will team up to develop within a 3-year period a project for a bio-refinery for chemicals and fuel production from biomass and to meet the dwindling reserves of crude oil supplies, representatives of the Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Novosibirsk, Russia, and India’s Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) said on Monday at a joint news conference in Coimbatore (south of India)....................Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2015_01_05/Russian-Indian-scientists-to-develop-project-for-chemicals-and-fuel-production-2144/

  14. Un froid polaire s'abat en ce moment sur l'Amérique du Nord ...

    Une gigantesque masse polaire s'étend en ce moment sur la Canada et le nord des Etats-Unis. De l'est du Québec jusqu'à la province d'Alberta dans l'Ouest, les avertissements météorologiques se multiplient. Les automobilistes sont priés de se munir de vivres et de couvertures.

    Dans les aéroports de Toronto et de Montréal, les retards s'accumulent malgré les gros moyens mis en place pour déblayer les pistes. Le long des routes, des dizaines de voitures sont abandonnées dans les fossés après des glissades incontrôlables. Et elles restent là un bon moment, les entreprises de dépannage sont complètement débordées vu les accidents qui s'accumulent.

    A Minneapolis dans le Minnesota, il fait - 26 degrés Celsius alors un passant précise que "si on sort, c'est uniquement parce qu'on est obligé. Heureusement les bus sont à l'heure, mais quand ils ont du retard on prie en se demandant: quand est-ce qu'ils arrivent?"

    Dans les prochaines heures, les conditions météorologiques devraient encore se dégrader, notamment sur le Québec où, à cause des fortes rafales de vent, les températures ressenties pourraient descendre à -38°C voire -45°C.

  15. La NASA suspende el lanzamiento de la nave Dragon ...

    El lanzamiento de la nave Dragon de la empresa estadounidense SpaceX se suspendió tras sufrir un fallo de carácter técnico, comunicó este martes la NASA.

    La nave debía partir a las 11.18 GMT desde Cabo Cañaveral (Florida), pero el proceso fue cancelado dos minutos después de su lanzamiento.

    El nuevo intento de lanzar la Dragon está previsto para el día 9 de enero............http://mundo.sputniknews.com/mundo/20150106/1033062152.html

  16. Malfunction in Booster Causes Suspension of Dragon Spacecraft Launch: NASA ...

    The launch of the Dragon spacecraft carrying supplies to the International Space Station (ISS) has been postponed due to a malfunction in its carrier booster, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said on Tuesday.

    "At 1:21 before launch [scheduled for 11:18 GMT], a thrust vector control actuator for the Falcon 9's 2nd stage failed to perform as expected," the agency said.

    NASA added that the spacecraft's launch has been rescheduled for 10:09 GMT Friday, January 9. The spacecraft was to deliver 1.6 metric tons of cargo, including provisions, equipment for scientific experiments and clothing for the crew...............http://sputniknews.com/us/20150106/1016564407.html

  17. Shell agrees $84m deal over Niger Delta oil spill ...

    Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has agreed to a $84m (£55m) settlement with residents of the Bodo community in the Niger Delta for two oil spills.

    Lawyers for 15,600 Nigerian fishermen say their clients will receive $3,300 each for losses caused by the spills.

    The remaining $30m will be left for the community, which law firm Leigh Day says was "devastated by the two massive oil spills in 2008 and 2009".

    They say they affected thousands of hectares of mangrove in south Nigeria.........http://www.bbc.com/news/world-30699787

  18. South Australia fires: Hopes rise of halting Adelaide blaze ...

    The fire has been raging across some 12,500 hectares (30,888 acres) of the Adelaide Hills since last Friday.

    More than 100 people have needed hospital treatment, while at least 38 homes and 125 outhouses have been destroyed and livestock has died.

    Extra fire crews have been brought in ahead of forecast high winds and temperatures above 38C.

    But temperatures are expected to fall later in the week, with an increased chance of rain at the weekend.

    The South Australian County Fire Service (CFS) said the fire - at Sampson Flat in the Mount Lofty Ranges, outside of the city of Adelaide - still had "hot spots with the potential to ignite unburnt ground".

    CFS incident controller Scott Turner said it was now 85% contained, and that though conditions remained severe, they were not as bad as when the fire first broke out..............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-30706115

  19. As Toronto braces for another deep freeze, Mayor John Tory has asked the city to open its warming centres – a response to the recent deaths of two homeless men in as many days....

    Environment Canada has issued an extreme cold warning for Toronto, and much of southern Ontario, as a cold front is expected to move in Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Temperatures could drop to as low as -30 C.

    Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Tory requested that the city manager open Toronto’s two 24-hour warming centres, even though an extreme cold weather alert has not been issued by Toronto Public Health (TPH).............Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/toronto-mayor-asks-warming-centres-to-open-in-wake-of-2-cold-weather-deaths-1.2174848#ixzz3O6vCZAdi

  20. Le coût des catastrophes naturelles a reculé en 2014 ...

    Les catastrophes naturelles en 2014 ont coûté nettement moins de vies humaines et causé moins de dégâts matériels que celles de 2013, selon une étude publiée mercredi par Munich Re .

    Le géant allemand de la réassurance, dont l’étude annuelle fait référence en la matière, estime à 110 milliards de dollars (93 milliards d’euros) les coûts cumulés des catastrophes de l’an dernier, moins que l’année précédente (140 milliards de dollars) et que la moyenne des dix et même des 30 dernières années.

    Mi-décembre, une étude du groupe suisse de réassurance Swiss RE évaluait les pertes économiques liées aux désastres et catastrophes naturelles à 113 milliards de dollars sur l’année , soit 16% pa rapport à 2013................En savoir plus sur http://www.lesechos.fr/finance-marches/banque-assurances/0204059977620-les-catastrophes-naturelles-ont-coute-93-milliards-deuros-en-2014-1080975.php?xtor=RSS37&YwAB6ZSwIJ4v2okP.99

    1. Το ανθρώπινο και οικονομικό κόστος από τις φυσικές καταστροφές, όπως τυφώνες και σεισμοί, μειώθηκε σημαντικά σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο κατά τον περασμένο χρόνο και σε αυτό συνέβαλαν τα βελτιωμένα συστήματα έγκαιρης προειδοποίησης, ανακοίνωσε χθες η μεγαλύτερη αντασφαλιστική εταιρεία στον κόσμο Munich Re...

      Ο αριθμός των ανθρώπων που σκοτώθηκαν μειώθηκε στους 7.700 το 2014 από 21.000 το 2013, ενώ το οικονομικό κόστος από τις φυσικές καταστροφές έπεσε στα 110 δισ. δολάρια από 140 δισ. δολάρια, αναφέρει η Munich Re στην ετήσια έκθεσή της για τις φυσικές καταστροφές.

      Οπως προκύπτει από τα στοιχεία της Munich Re, η ασφάλεια κάλυψε 31 δισ. δολάρια από τις ζημίες του περασμένου χρόνου, δηλαδή 28% του συνολικού ποσού. Τα στοιχεία υποστηρίζουν τη θέση της βιομηχανίας ότι μεγάλο τμήμα του κόσμου παραμένει ανεπαρκώς ασφαλισμένο και ότι η ασφάλεια θα μπορούσε να διαδραματίζει μεγαλύτερο ρόλο στη στήριξη της οικονομικής ανάπτυξης έπειτα από μία καταστροφή, ειδικά στις αναδυόμενες αγορές...................http://www.energia.gr/article.asp?art_id=89312

  21. Snow has fallen across parts of the Middle East as part of a strong winter storm moving through the region...

    Snow accumulated in the Golan Heights and northern Israel on Wednesday morning, as well as the mountains of Lebanon. Schools across Jerusalem closed ahead of a forecast warning of 10 inches (25 centimeters) of snowfall.

    Many worried about the storm in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, where hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria's civil war live, many in tents......................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/Snow-falls-in-Middle-East-as-strong-winter-storm-strikes/articleshow/45790515.cms

    1. Winter storm brings misery to Middle East refugees ...

      A fierce winter storm has brought freezing temperatures to the Middle East, raising worries about the plight of the millions of refugees there.

      Snow has fallen in the mountains around Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, where hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians live.

      With icy winds blowing there have been attempts to anchor tents more securely, and prepare for flooding.

      The UN is also "extremely concerned" about the situation in Jordan, where it is distributing extra blankets.

      More than 7.6 million people have been displaced inside Syria since the uprising began in 2011, while more than 3.3 million have fled abroad...................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-30711789

  22. Seven Earthquakes Rattle Dallas Area in 24 Hours, Fracking Possible Reason ...

    The US Geological Survey (USGS) reported seven earthquakes in the last 24 hours in the Dallas, Texas area, where hundreds of fracking wells are located.

    The earthquakes ranged from 2.6 to 3.6 on the Richter magnitude scale with an epicenter around Irving, part of the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area, according to statistics on the USGS website.

    © East News/ Science Photo Library
    Texas City Fracking Ban Challenges State's Supremacy Over Drilling
    According to seismologists at Southern Methodist University in Texas, there has been a significant increase in earthquakes in the Dallas area since October 2008. In addition to the seven earthquakes in Irving on Tuesday and Wednesday, four other earthquakes greater than 2.5 on the Richter scale have occurred in the area within the past month, according to USGS.

    The cause of the earthquakes remains unknown. Hundreds of fracking wells are located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Some research has indicated a correlation between fracking – a process to extract oil and gas by shooting water, sand and chemicals deep into underground to break shale formations – and small earthquakes.

  23. Εκτός ΕΣΠΑ Έργα 35 Εκατομμυρίων σε 39 Δήμους ...

    Κονδύλια περίπου 35 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ από το ΕΣΠΑ, θα χάσουν 39 Δήμοι της χώρας, που καθυστέρησαν να προχωρήσουν έργα που είχαν εντάξει στο πρόγραμμα «Εξοικονομώ». Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος αυτού, οι φορείς της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης θα χρηματοδοτούνταν για δράσεις που έχουν σχέση με την εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας σε κάθε είδους δημοτικά κτίρια και χώρους.

    Συγκεκριμένα, με απόφαση του το ΥΠΕΚΑ προχώρησε στην απένταξη 40 έργων του προγράμματος, καθώς η μη εμπρόθεσμη ολοκλήρωση τους μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε απώλεια Κοινοτικών Πόρων, αλλά και σε επιβάρυνση του Εθνικού Προγράμματος Δημοσίων Επενδύσεων...............http://www.energia.gr/article.asp?art_id=89271

  24. US Senate Energy Committee Passes Keystone XL Bill...

    US Senate Energy Committee has passed the bill that approves building Keystone XL oil pipeline project, Chairman of the Committee Lisa Murkowski said at the hearing Thursday.

    "The bill is reported. I thank members for that," Murkowski said.

    The Committee voted 13 to 9. The House of Representatives is going to consider the Keystone pipeline approval bill Friday, which will allow the Senate to discuss it next week....................http://sputniknews.com/us/20150108/1016684800.html

  25. Cold wave hits northern India, 4 dead ...

    Cold wave conditions continued to grip northern India, including the capital New Delhi, where at least four people have died of cold over the past two days, said officials Saturday.

    Besides Delhi, the northern states of Punjab and Haryana's day temperatures fell several notches below normal level from Friday night to Saturday morning as a thick blanket of fog threw normal life out of gear in the area.

    While the minimum temperatures have been hovering just near the normal level at most places in the two states, the maximum temperatures have plummeted up to 10 notches below normal level, said meteorological officials.

    A thick blanket of fog engulfed most places in both the states, affecting normal life while traffics were also thrown into chaos on some highways due to thick fog.

    Schools are expected to re-open on Monday in Delhi after a week- long winter vacation.

    On Friday, Delhi experienced another cold and foggy day with the maximum temperature recorded at 16.3 degrees Celsius, four degrees below normal. Visibility fell to 100 meters at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in the night from Friday to Saturday morning.

    Meteorological officials also said that temporary relief was expected on Sunday but that the fog would be back within a day.

  26. «Μείζων απειλή» από ξενόφερτο βακτήριο που προσβάλλει ελαιόδεντρα ...

    Ένα βακτήριο που μεταφέρθηκε από τις ΗΠΑ και προσβάλλει ελαιόδεντρα στη νότια Ιταλία απειλεί να προκαλέσει «μείζονες επιπτώσεις» αν εξαπλωθεί σε άλλες χώρες της ΕΕ.

    «Η εδραίωση του βακτηρίου και η εξάπλωσή του στην Ευρώπη είναι πολύ πιθανή» προειδοποιεί η Ευρωπαϊκή Αρχή Ασφάλειας Τροφίμων (EFSA) σε έκθεσή της για το ξενόφερτο βακτήριο Xylella fastidiosa.

    Εκτός από τα ελαιόδεντρα, ο εισβολέας προσβάλλει δεκάδες ακόμα είδη φυτών, όπως αμπέλια, εσπεριδοειδή, αμυγδαλιές και ροδακινιές, καθώς και καλλωπιστικά είδη όπως η πικροδάφνη.....................http://news.in.gr/science-technology/article/?aid=1231376501

  27. Human brain deletes useless memories to stay tidy – research...

    The mechanism, which prevents the human brain from being littered up by outdated and useless memories, has been uncovered by US scientists.

    Before encountering any familiar situations the brain makes a subconscious prediction on what it expects to come across.

    But if this prediction turns out to be wrong the memories related to it diminish and are more likely to be completely forgotten, the researchers at Princeton University and the University of Texas-Austin said.

    “This has the benefit ultimately of reducing or eliminating noisy or inaccurate memories and prioritizing those things that are more reliable and that are more accurate in terms of the current state of the world,” Nicholas Turk-Browne, an associate professor of psychology at Princeton University, said...........................http://rt.com/news/221607-human-brain-memory-predictions/

  28. Bad weather battered the Czech Republic in the weekend, fallen trees caused by strong winds hampered rail transport and damaged power supply to hundreds of households, rainfall together with melted snow raised the water level of many rivers...

    Some rail tracks blocked by fallen trees, Czech Rail (CD) registered 26 such cases and four breakdowns of electric traction from Saturday morning to Sunday noon. No one was reported injured. CD spokeswoman Radka Pistoriusova said trains were stopped in no more than 50 cases throughout the weekend.

    The swollen rivers capsized a raft with five people on the Ohre River at Jakubov in the Karlovy Vary vicinity and one of the crew members has been missing to date.

    Strong winds damaged power supply to hundreds of households in the country particularly in the west of Bohemia on Saturday, the situation has been improved on Sunday afternoon, only dozens of families are living without power.

  29. The Curiosity team has turned down suggestions made by an outside researcher, who said that she spotted microbe traces on the pictures made NASA’s rover on Mars’ surface....

    After analyzing Curiosity’s photos from an ancient Martian sedimentary outcrop known as Gillespie Lake, geobiologist Nora Noffke said that she saw similarities to “microbially induced sedimentary structures” (MISS) often found on Earth.

    The Curiosity team told Space.com that they also noticed the structures, which attracted Norfolk’s attention...............http://rt.com/news/221619-nasa-curiosity-microbe-life-mars/

  30. Κύπρος: Εντός Χρονοδιαγράμματος η Γεώτρηση της ΕΝΙ/KOGAS στο «Αμαθούσα» ...

    Κανονικά και εντός χρονοδιαγράμματος συνεχίζεται η γεώτρηση της κοινοπραξίας ΕΝΙ/KOGAS στο δυνητικό κοίτασμα «Αμαθούσα», στο τεμάχιο 9, δηλώνει ο υπουργός Ενέργειας της Κύπρου, Γιώργος Λακκοτρύπης, προσθέτοντας ότι δεν επηρεάζεται η γεώτρηση από τις νέες τουρκικές παραβιάσεις.

    «Η γεώτρηση ουσιαστικά άρχισε από την 1η Ιανουαρίου και προχωρά κανονικά. Θα διαρκέσει, υπολογίζουμε, ογδόντα με ενενήντα μέρες. Αυτή τη στιγμή είμαστε σε πολύ καλό σημείο, όπως ήταν ο προγραμματισμός», ανέφερε ο κ. Λακκοτρύπης, απαντώντας σε ερωτήσεις δημοσιογράφων στο περιθώριο συνέντευξης Τύπου στα τέλη της περασμένης εβδομάδας....................http://www.energia.gr/article.asp?art_id=89375

  31. Grandi navi a Venezia...

    Il Tar del Veneto ha accolto il ricorso di Venezia Terminal Passeggeri, società di gestione della struttura portuale della Serenissima, annullando così i limiti di transito nel canale della Giudecca e nel bacino di San Marco delle grandi navi passeggeri, stabiliti dalla Capitaneria di Porto veneziana nel 2013.

    Nelle motivazioni della sentenza, il Tar precisa che non è stata ancora presentata una “valutazione degli interessi pubblici e privati colpiti dai divieti” e che Venezia è attualmente priva di vie di navigazione alternative rispetto a quelle attualmente in uso.

    Il ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, che non intende rinunciare al traffico navale turistico su Venezia, in una nota annuncia il ricorso al Consiglio di Stato e dichiara “urgente la realizzazione dell’iter proposto dal governo per individuare il percorso alternativo per l’accesso alla Stazione Marittima di Venezia”.

    E’ attesa per la prima metà di marzo 2015 la valutazione d’impatto ambientale per il progetto di adeguamento del Canale Contorta Sant’Angelo, elaborato dall'Autorità Portuale.

    Il piano potrebbe evitare l’ingresso delle navi da crociera nel bacino di San Marco deviando il percorso verso la Stazione Marittima. Esso prevede la realizzazione di un canale, lungo 4,5 chilometri, largo 100 metri, e profondo circa 10,5 metri, denominato “Contorta Sant'Angelo”, dal costo complessivo di circa 120 milioni di euro.............http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2015_01_12/282041813/

  32. Statement of the High Representative and Vice President Federica Mogherini on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti ...

    Today is the fifth anniversary of the catastrophic earthquake which ravaged Haiti in 2010, killing over 200,000 people and leaving 1.5 million homeless. Since then much has been done towards healing and reconstruction. The EU has been at the forefront of international humanitarian reconstruction efforts, initially providing shelter, clean water, food and medical care . Over the last five years the humanitarian response has been complemented by an ambitious reconstruction programme, supporting the Haitian government's efforts to rehabilitate and develop the country's infrastructure, rebuild schools and hospitals, provide public housing and strengthen the administration.

    This massive cooperation effort, matching the huge needs, has benefitted some five million people, one in every two Haitians. The EU also values the cooperation within the Group of Friends, whom, together with the UN have provided essential security and contributed the bulk of the emergency and development resources to Haiti.

    But Haiti remains the poorest country of the Western Hemisphere, and one of the poorest in the world. Despite the efforts of government and the international community, many still remain homeless from the disaster. Haiti needs steady and effective government and constructive opposition, rising above partisan differences, to steer the nation towards sustainable development.

    Haiti is now suffering another political crisis that could reverse the gains of recent years.......................http://eeas.europa.eu/statements-eeas/2015/150112_01_en.htm

  33. Lava begins to pour out of Klyuchevskoi volcano crater ...

    Lava has begun to stream from the crater of Kamchatka’s famous active volcano, the Klyuchevskoi, also known as the Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Olga Girina, the chief of the Kamchatka Volcano Eruptions Reaction Team (KVERT) of the Institute for Volcanic and Seismic Studies told TASS.

    The previous eruption of the Klyuchevskoi, the tallest active volcano in Eurasia, occurred in the period of August 15 through to December 20, 2013. The lava melted the Ehrman Glacier then and the streams of water ran down to a local river, washing out the area’s main road.

    “The lava is now streaming towards the volcano’s southeastern slope in the direction of the Apakhonchich field camp of the Institute,” Girina said. “The event was confirmed on January 11 by visual observations and satellite surveillance of the area.”..................http://itar-tass.com/en/russia/770857

  34. Blood-red sea as underwater volcano erupts off Tonga, ash delays flights ...

    An underwater volcano off Tonga was spewing ash high into the air on Tuesday, causing several carriers to suspend air travel to the South Pacific island nation and turning the surrounding ocean blood red, residents and officials said.

    The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai underwater volcano, located about 65 km (40 miles) north of the capital Nuku‛alofa, was sending volcanic ash up to 4,500 meters (14,765 feet) into the air, the Wellington Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) said.

    The volcano, which first erupted in 2009, had been rumbling in recent weeks before exploding violently in the past few days, The New Zealand Herald newspaper reported..............http://www.todayonline.com/world/blood-red-sea-underwater-volcano-erupts-tonga-ash-delays-flights

  35. Parliament backs GMO opt-out for EU member states ...

    New legislation to allow EU member states to restrict or ban the cultivation of crops containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on their own territory, even if this is allowed at EU level, was passed by MEPs on Tuesday. The legislation, informally agreed by Parliament and Council in December, was originally tabled in 2010 but was then deadlocked for four years due to disagreement between pro- and anti-GMO member states.

    "This agreement will ensure more flexibility for member states who wish to restrict the cultivation of the GMOs in their territory. It will, moreover, signpost a debate which is far from over between pro- and anti-GMO positions” said Frédérique Ries (ALDE, BE), who is steering the legislation through Parliament....................http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/content/20150109IPR06306/html/Parliament-backs-GMO-opt-out-for-EU-member-states

  36. Legislation should be decided by lawmakers, not courts, according to Frédérique Ries.,,,,

    On 13 January MEPs approved new rules enabling member states to restrict or ban the cultivation of GMOs, even if approved by the EU. Ries, a Belgian member of the ALDE group who steered the proposal through the EP, said the changes were needed as countries kept being taken to court to justify why they had banned a certain GMO crop: " I don't think it's a good idea that legislation is being created by courts."...

    How will this legislation affect consumers, farmers and the environment?

    This directive is mostly directed at member states, as it gives them more options to ban or restrict the cultivation of GMOs on their territory.

    Famers will have to comply with whatever their government decides. If their government opts for a ban on GMOs, then the farmer won't be able to cultivate them. I hope that when the legislation is updated, there will be an obligation to compensate farmers who are affected by this.

    Concerning the environment, the new rules are aimed at further reducing the risk of cross-contamination.....................http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/content/20150112STO07403/

  37. Entdeckung in der AntarktisForscher finden riesigen Krater im ewigen Eis ...

    Eine ungeplante Änderung der Flugroute hat drei Polarforschern eine ungewöhnliche Entdeckung beschert: Im Eis der Antarktis stießen sie auf die eindrucksvollen Spuren eines kosmischen Besuchers.

    Zufallsfund im ewigen Eis: Geophysiker des Alfred-Wegener-Institutes (AWI) in Bremerhaven haben bei Messflügen in der Antarktis eine große ringförmig umrahmte Bruchstruktur im Eis entdeckt. Der Ring im Eis hat einen Durchmesser von etwa zwei Kilometern und könnte den Einschlagkrater eines Meteoriten markieren.

    Sollte die Vermutung stimmen, dann muss der Meteorit gigantische Ausmaße gehabt haben: Auf bis zu 100 Meter schätzen die Forscher den Durchmesser des kosmischen Geschosses. „Einer Studie aus dem Jahr 2006 zufolge erlebt die Erde so einen Einschlag einmal in 5200 Jahren“, erläutert Graeme Eagles, der gemeinsam mit den AWI-Forschern Christian Müller und Tobias Binder den Krater entdeckte.................http://www.handelsblatt.com/technologie/forschung-medizin/forschung-innovation/entdeckung-in-der-antarktis-forscher-finden-riesigen-krater-im-ewigen-eis/11227022.html

  38. Ireland: More than 2,200 homes are without power tonight as weather conditions continue to worsen across the country.

    ESB Networks has said it will work overnight to keep the power network and the public safe.

    The largest of the outages is in Clifden, Co Galway where 299 customers are affected.

    245 customers are without power on Achill Island, while in Co Roscommon 199 people are affected.

    However, due to safety concerns it will not be able to carry out further repairs until the morning.

    Meanwhile, the National Emergency Co-Ordination Committee has advised people to avoid unnecessary travel tonight and tomorrow as a storm bears down on western coastal counties.

    A Status Red weather warning has been issued for counties Donegal, Leitrim Sligo, Mayo, Galway, Clare, Limerick, Cork and Kerry

    Wind gusts of up to 150km/h are forecast until midday tomorrow.

    A Status Orange wind warning has been issued for the rest of country, with winds expected to reach speeds of up to 130km/h.................http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0114/672411-weather/

  39. Gazprom: Russland wird für Europa bestimmtes Gas nach China umleiten ...

    Über die sogenannte westliche Route wird Erdgas nach China von Feldern gepumpt, deren Kapazitäten derzeit für die Gasversorgung Europas genutzt werden. Das erklärte der Sprecher des russischen Gaskonzerns Gazprom, Sergej Kuprijanow, am Donnerstag in Moskau.

    Ein Vertrag über Gaslieferungen an China über die westliche Route sei in Vorbereitung, sagte Kuprijanow in einem Interview für den Radiosender Kommersant FM. Er nahm Stellung zu der Frage, was Gazprom-Chef Alexej Miller meinte, als er am Vortag Europa gedrängt hatte, so schnell wie möglich über den Bau des europäischen Teils der neuen Gasleitung Türkischer Strom zu entscheiden....................http://de.sputniknews.com/wirtschaft/20150115/300626254.html


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