Τετάρτη, Οκτωβρίου 08, 2014

Super Typhoon Vongfong, World's Strongest Cyclone of 2014; Dangerous Threat to Okinawa, Japan This Weekend (FORECAST)

As of 12 a.m. Japanese time Thursday (11 a.m. EDT Wednesday in the U.S.), the eye of Vongfong was just under 600 miles south-southeast of Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, moving northwest at 8 mph.

Maximum sustained winds had tailed off a bit, but were still an estimated 165 mph, solidly the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane, according to the U.S. military's Joint Typhoon Warning Center.

With low vertical wind shear (change in wind speed and/or direction with height), impressive outflow (winds in the upper levels spreading apart from the center, favoring upward motion and thunderstorms) and warm western Pacific water, Vongfong intensified explosively.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, Vongfong surpassed Genevieve for the most intense western Pacific typhoon of 2014 by estimated central pressure (900 millibars). On the JMA typhoon intensity scale, Vongfong is the third "violent typhoon" of 2014, following Genevieve and Halong.

"It's safe to say Vongfong was the strongest storm on earth since Haiyan last year," said Michael Lowry, storm specialist for The Weather Channel. Haiyan killed over 6,000 people when it slammed into the Philippines in November 2013 with maximum sustained winds estimated at 195 mph by JTWC.............http://www.weather.com/news/weather-hurricanes/typhoon-vongfong-japan-threat-20141006


4 σχόλια:

  1. Super typhoon on course for Japan....

    TOKYO: —A super typhoon on course to hit Japan over the weekend is as powerful as the deadly storm that ripped through the Philippines in 2013 killing thousands of people, meteorologists said Wednesday

    The monstrous storm, named Vongfong, was picking up speed as it churned through the far west of the Pacific Ocean.

    “Its strength is very much similar to Haiyan,” which ravaged the Philippines in November, said a meteorologist at the Japan Meteorological Agency...............http://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/supertyphoon-on-course-for-japan

  2. Okinawa braces as super typhoon Vongfong powers north...

    Japan was bracing on Friday for its strongest storm this year, a super typhoon powering north toward the Okinawa island chain that threatens to rake a wide swath of the nation with strong winds and torrential rain.

    Typhoon Vongfong, which at one point rivaled last year’s devastating Haiyan in strength, was weakening slightly as it moved across the open ocean, but still packed winds gusting as high as 259 kph (160 mph).

    “There is no question that it is an extremely large, extremely powerful typhoon,” an official at the Meteorological Agency said of the 19th typhoon of the year.

    “It’s the strongest storm we’ve had this year, definitely, although it has lost some strength from its peak.”

    The storm, which will be Japan’s second typhoon in a week, was south of Okinawa and moving north at 15 kph (9 mph) with sustained winds of 185 kph (114 mph) as of Friday afternoon, the agency said.

    The typhoon is moving extremely slowly, which raises the danger of landslides and flooding.

    It was likely to be closest to Okinawa late on Saturday or early on Sunday...............http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/10/10/national/okinawa-braces-as-super-typhoon-vongfong-powers-north/#.VDg2W1fQqt8

  3. Le niveau d’alerte orange a été déclenché en Chine en raison de l’approche du typhon Vonfong de régions côtières du pays....

    Selon le centre national de prévisions météorologiques en mer, la hauteur des vagues dans la mer de Chine orientale peut atteindre 10 m.

    Les météorologues ont déjà informé de la tempête imminente les équipages des navires qui sont dans la région, et vers lesquels ce typhon se déplace.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_12/La-Chine-a-declenche-le-niveau-d-alerte-orange-8534/

  4. Le puissant typhon Vongfong a touché les îles principales du Japon...

    Le puissant typhon Vongfong a touché lundi Kyushu, la grande île du sud du Japon, après avoir déjà fait 45 blessés dans l'extrême sud de l'archipel, balayé par des pluies diluviennes et des rafales de vent très violentes.
    Le centre du typhon, le 19e de la saison, "a touché terre à Makurazaki, sur l'île de Kyushu (à 1.000 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Tokyo), à environ 8h30 heure locale (lundi 01h30 heure belge)", a indiqué un porte-parole de l'Agence de météorologie nationale. Il avait atteint l'archipel d'Okinawa ce week-end, soulevant des rafales allant jusqu'à 234 km/h. Ce cyclone a été déclassé de "super-puissant" à "puissant", mais les autorités japonaises avaient indiqué samedi qu'il "restait toutefois important et très fort", mettant en garde contre des vagues hautes, des pluies torrentielles et des glissements de terrain. Elles ont recommandé à près de 400.000 habitants du sud du Japon d'évacuer leurs habitations. Au moins 45 personnes ont été blessées. Le trafic aérien a également été touché avec l'annulation de 329 vols prévus lundi. Il y a une semaine, un autre typhon, Phanfone, avait traversé le Japon, laissant derrière lui une dizaine de disparus, parmi lesquels trois militaires américains emportés par la mer alors qu'ils prenaient des photos à Okinawa. (Belga)


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