Δευτέρα, Οκτωβρίου 06, 2014

Russian PM Medvedev Urges Compromise on Gas Dispute With Ukraine. "The debts must be paid off..."

MOSCOW, October 6  - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Monday that the terms of a deal on supplies of Russian natural gas to Ukraine should be acceptable for Kiev, but Ukraine still needs to pay its debts to Russia's energy giant Gazprom."There is no doubt that we have to continue searching for compromises, we should maintain contacts keeping in mind that the debts must be paid off, but the conditions for Ukraine in this situation must be sufficiently acceptable," Medvedev said at a meeting with Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak.

Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission are currently involved in trilateral talks on resolving the standing issues over Russian gas deliveries to Ukraine.
According to preliminary arrangements, Russia and Ukraine are expected to sign the so-called "winter package" on Russian gas supplies to Ukraine that envisions supply of five billion cubic meters of gas within half a year and with a possible increase in volume. The temporary price for 1,000 cubic meters of gas would be $385 for this period.
In June, Gazprom was forced to introduce a prepayment system for gas deliveries to Ukraine due to Kiev's massive debt which is currently estimated at $5.3 billion.
 (RIA Novosti)


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