Τρίτη, Μαρτίου 04, 2014

Human rights are selectively used weapon of the West

The ongoing UN Human Rights Commission meeting in Geneva has focused on two issues.
The situation in Ukraine and the U.S. sponsored resolution on Sri Lanka. Paradoxically, the two issues, which seem to have nothing common, excellently emphasize the fact that in the contemporary world, human rights have been turned into a powerful political weapon which is being selectively used. The notorious double-standards appear brighter in this area than any other sphere. Here is an opinion from expert at the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies Boris Volkhonsky.

“Curiously, purely superficial similarity could be seen in relations between the central governments in Ukraine and Sri Lanka and their regions (Crimea and the north and eastern provinces consecutively). The majority of population in Crimea and the north and eastern provinces in Sri Lanka consists of ethnic minorities who strive for at least autonomy and self-dependence within the framework of the multinational state. In fact, in both cases, ethnic minorities on these territories feel cultural and historical similarity with the large ethnic groups living in the neighboring countries. (Russia in case of Crimea and Tamil Nadu in case of the north and east provinces of Sri Lanka,” Volkhonsky said.

Although there is an apparent superficial similarity in the two situations, it is incomprehensible why the approaches of the international community, especially the West, towards them are in a marked contrast. The “Tamil Tigers” who waged an armed struggle for over 25 years against the Sri Lankan government enjoyed if not direct support of the West, at least the sympathy of the public opinion. At present, the U.S. is creating a front that consists of its allies and trying to pass a resolution that demands an international investigation into crimes allegedly committed by the Sri Lankan Army during the final phase of the humanitarian operation at the UNHRC meeting in Geneva. As soon as the residents of Crimea demanded wider autonomy, they were described as separatists. Some hotheads even demanded for expelling Russian from the UN Human Rights Committee for its support for the residents of Crimea.

“One of the possible explanations for the use of double-standards by the West lies on the surface,” says Volkhonsky. “This principle was formulated by Franklin Roosevelt concerning South American dictator Somoza. “Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of bitch.” In the eyes of the West, the present anti-Russian regime in Ukraine is undoubtedly sons of bitch, but they are their sons of bitch. The main thing is that they are a strong lever for putting pressure on Russia. While, all those who oppose them should be considered as the enemies of democracy or separatists,” Volkhonsky said.

On the other hand, in the past years, Sri Lanka has been in the orbit of Chinese politics and has become an important foothold of China in the Indian Ocean. This means that Sri Lankans are “not our sons of bitch”. Consequently, Sri Lanka must be exemplarily punished.

However, there is another weighty explanation that forces us to glance at the situation in a different way. Although there is a superficial similarity in the situations in Ukraine and Sri Lanka, there are significant differences, says the Russian expert.

“Firstly, Sri Lanka has faced various situations since the independence, but it has never violated democratic principles despite of the civil war. The regime change has always occurred within the framework of the constitution, after holding general elections. Ukraine is a different story. Every time, the democratically elected President has been ousted under the pressure of street crowds, armed people who do not recognize democratic principles, simply Nazis,” Volkhonsky said.

Those who fight for self-independence differ in a similar way. The residents of Crimea use exclusively peaceful methods so that their voice is heard. But the “Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam” was stick to an armed struggle and terror from the very beginning and was the most notorious terrorist organization.

It seems that in any situation, the West is ready to defend extremists and bandits regardless in which side they are. The only demand is that they should be their sons of bitch.
Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/2014_03_04/Human-rights-West/


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