Πέμπτη, Φεβρουαρίου 20, 2014

Kerry, Abbas to meet for second day in Paris

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will meet on Thursday afternoon as part of Kerry's plan for a deal between Palestine and Israel.

The meeting comes after more than two hours of talks on Wednesday. Israeli-Palestinian peace talks resumed last year after a nearly three-year break.

U.S. officials say they are trying to forge a "framework for negotiations" as a first step.

The framework may include borders, security, the rights of Palestinian refugees and the status of Jerusalem.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Kerry’s framework unacceptable to Abbas, says official...

    After two-day bilateral meeting in Paris, Ramallah rejects US proposals, particularly recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.

    “The ideas proposed cannot be accepted by the Palestinian side as the basis for a framework accord between the Palestinians and Israel as they do not take into account the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people,” he told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity, after Abbas and Kerry met in Paris this week.

    “The Palestinian position explained to Mr. Kerry is that the proposed ideas, particularly the insistences on recognition of the state of Israel as the Jewish nation-state, are unacceptable,” the official said.

    Proposals for the future of East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as the capital of the state, are “vague”, the official added.

    Abbas, the official said, “restated the Palestinian position and his vision of a solution based on United Nations resolutions and the positions of the Palestinian leadership and the Arab League.”

    The PA president said Friday that US attempts to forge an agreement on a framework for peace talks with Israel had so far failed but that the efforts are “extremely serious”.

    Speaking in Paris after a meeting with French President Francois Holland, Abbas said, “So far the Americans have not been able to put these ideas into a framework, even if the efforts are extremely serious”.

    Hollande said after the meeting that he had underlined the need “to reach an agreed framework for negotiations in a timely manner.”

    Kerry has spent months trying to get the Israelis and the Palestinians to agree on a framework to guide talks towards a full peace treaty, but the negotiations have shown little sign of progress, with each side blaming the other.............http://www.timesofisrael.com/kerrys-framework-unacceptable-to-abbas-says-official/#ixzz2tz1Cqhfl


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