Κυριακή, Αυγούστου 18, 2013

Bulgaria – FYROM game will be like a domestic league match - Bozhidar Dimitrov (Director of the Bulgarian National History Museum)

Sofia:  Director of the Bulgarian National History Museum Bozhidar Dimitrov described the upcoming match between the national football teams of Bulgaria and the FYROM as a “game from a domestic league”. Speaking to Focus News Agency, Mr Dimitrov noted that when he first heard Bulgaria and FYROM were to play a football game, he asked: “Whom are we playing against?”
“Then it turned out we were having a match from what you could call the Bulgarian nation’s domestic league,” he explained. According to him, the Bulgarian nation is currently divided by a frontier.

Mr Dimitrov is also interested in the reaction of a group of Macedonian fans of FYROM, called “Komitite”. He describes them as a pro-Serbian group that often attacks Bulgarians gathered to commemorate revolutionary Mara Buneva.

Mr Dimitrov noted that the final score of the match was not that important, since it was only a friendly fixture with no limit on substitutions, etc. However, he is also quite confident in Bulgaria’s win, since the Bulgarian team is currently far superior than the FYROM. “A day will come when the FYROM squad will be better than the Bulgarian one, as it is not that hard being better than the Bulgarian national team,” Mr Dimitrov concluded.
*(After the necessary corrections with the name "FYROM".  
GREECE recognised this country with the name "FYROM")
  • Божидар Димитров: Мечот FYROM - Бугарија е од „домашна“ лига...

Контроверзниот бугарски историчар во пресрет на вечерашниот пријателски натпревар ги нарече „Комитите“ просрпска група која напаѓа Бугари

Контроверзниот историчар и директорот на Бугарскиот музеј за национална историја, Божидар Димитров, во интервју за Бугарската новинска агенција „Фокус“ го нарече вечерашниот пријателски меч на фудбалските репрезентации на FYROM и Бугарија „натпревар во домашна лига на бугарската нација“.

„Излезе дека ќе играме натпревар од домашното првенство“, вели Димитров во изјава за бугарската агенција „Фокус“. Според него, бугарската нација во моментов е поделена со граница......http://www.utrinski.com.FYR/default.asp?ItemID=CAB3D68A99FF5B48AD4168D9DACCF495

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