The gas pipeline connecting the Republic of Crimea with the Krasnodar Territory of Russia will be laid under the Kerch Strait in 2018, Minister of Fuel and Energy of Crimea Sergei Yegorov said at a meeting of the republic’s Council of Ministers on Tuesday.
“The gas pipeline will be laid under the Kerch Strait and will go onshore in Kerch,” Yegorov said. “This is a serious gas pipeline that will be connected in the Krasnodar Territory to the projected gas pipeline that will now run to Turkey, the former South Stream.”
Russia’s Gazprom natural gas giant signed a memorandum of understanding with Turkey’s Botas on December 1 on constructing an offshore gas pipeline across the Black Sea towards Turkey. The memorandum was signed in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan. The new gas pipeline will have a capacity of 63 billion cubic metres, with 14 billion cubic metres slated for Turkish consumers (identical amount is being delivered via the Balkan Corridor) and nearly 50 billion cubic meters conveyed to the border between Turkey and Greece, where a delivery point will be arranged. The Russkaya compressor station being under construction in the Krasnodar region will serve as the pipeline starting point.
The total length of the Krasnodar Territory - Crimea pipeline will reach 135 kilometers and the pipe diameter - 700 mm.
According to the minister, the pipeline will first of all supply the city of Kerch with natural gas. “The federal target program (for the development of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol) and regional program envisage gas distribution network development in Kerch. The city’s gas supply infrastructure is only 71% developed today. Crimean cities’ gas infrastructure development is 89% on the average,” Yegorov said.
“The gas pipeline will be laid under the Kerch Strait and will go onshore in Kerch,” Yegorov said. “This is a serious gas pipeline that will be connected in the Krasnodar Territory to the projected gas pipeline that will now run to Turkey, the former South Stream.”
Russia’s Gazprom natural gas giant signed a memorandum of understanding with Turkey’s Botas on December 1 on constructing an offshore gas pipeline across the Black Sea towards Turkey. The memorandum was signed in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan. The new gas pipeline will have a capacity of 63 billion cubic metres, with 14 billion cubic metres slated for Turkish consumers (identical amount is being delivered via the Balkan Corridor) and nearly 50 billion cubic meters conveyed to the border between Turkey and Greece, where a delivery point will be arranged. The Russkaya compressor station being under construction in the Krasnodar region will serve as the pipeline starting point.
The total length of the Krasnodar Territory - Crimea pipeline will reach 135 kilometers and the pipe diameter - 700 mm.
According to the minister, the pipeline will first of all supply the city of Kerch with natural gas. “The federal target program (for the development of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol) and regional program envisage gas distribution network development in Kerch. The city’s gas supply infrastructure is only 71% developed today. Crimean cities’ gas infrastructure development is 89% on the average,” Yegorov said.
L'Union européenne étudiera des projets alternatifs à South Stream, a déclaré le vice-président pour l'énergie de la Commission européenne Maros Sefcovic...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήUne rencontre informelle de M. Sefcovic avec les ministres de l'Energie de Bulgarie, Hongrie, Slovénie, Autriche, Croatie, Italie, Grèce et Roumanie consacrée à l'abandon de South Stream commence dans la capitale belge.
La semaine dernière, le président de Russie Vladimir Poutine a déclaré que dans les conditions actuelles la Russie ne pouvait pas poursuivre la réalisation du projet South Stream à cause de la position non constructive de l'Union européenne.
Lire la suite:
Turkey to Build Only Land Section of Gas Pipeline From Russia: Minister...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήTurkey will not take part in building the underwater section of a pipeline to deliver gas from Russia but will bear the costs of laying the land section, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said Wednesday.
“We have no idea of costs of the offshore section of the pipeline, because we do not take part in the construction of the subsea section,” he said.
According to the minister, Gazprom expects to spend about 16 billion euro (almost $20 billion) on laying the pipeline at the bottom of the Black Sea.
“We will calculate our costs of building the section that would pass through Thrace,” he said. “We are now in talks on a joint venture for this project.”
Türkei geht auf Distanz zu Gas-Deal mit Russland...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήTrotz des russischen Angebots zum Bau einer gemeinsamen Gasleitung hält die Türkei nach Angaben ihres Außenministers Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu den Bau der Transanatolischen Pipeline (TANAP) für wichtiger, schreibt die Zeitung „RBC“ am Donnerstag.
„Wir werden das Angebot von Wladimir Putin in Bezug auf eine neue Gaspipeline über die Türkei erörtern und beurteilen. Doch das TANAP-Projekt hat weiter Priorität“, sagte der türkische Außenminister nach einem Treffen mit seinen georgischen und aserbaidschanischen Amtskollegen. Er erinnerte daran, dass Ankara und Moskau eine Absichtserklärung unterzeichnet haben, die Gespräche über den Bau einer Gaspipeline aus Russland in die Türkei vorsieht. Nach den Erörterungen werde die Türkei ihre Antwort geben, so Çavuşoğlu.
Das russische Energieministerium und der Energiekonzern Gazprom nahmen bislang keine Stellung zu den Äußerungen des türkischen Chefdiplomaten................