Σάββατο, Νοεμβρίου 15, 2014

7.3 quake hits Indonesia waters (tsunami possible)

JAKARTA — A 7.3-magnitude quake hit Indonesian waters, off the Moluccas, this morning (Nov 15) and has the potential to generate tsunami waves along nearby coasts, a monitoring agency said.

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake hit 154km northwest of Kota Ternate at a depth of 47km.
There are no immediate reports of casualties or damage.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quake could cause hazardous tsunami waves within 300km of the epicentre along the nearby coasts of Indonesia and the southern Philippines. Waves could reach up to a metre or less, it said.
The nearest communities of Tabukan Tengah on North Sulawesi island could be at risk within an hour or so if a tsunami occurs, the agency said.
The waves could also reach as far as Taiwan, Okinawa in southern Japan, the US territory of Guam, Papau New Guinea, Solomon Islands and the Marshall Islands in the Pacific within the next six hours, it said.
Another quake measuring 6.2 was recorded soon after off Indonesia’s Sulawesi, according to the USGS.
The world’s largest archipelago, Indonesia is prone to earthquakes due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire, an arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific Basin.
In 2004, a monster temblor off Aceh shores triggered a tsunami that killed 230,000 people in a dozen countries. Most of the deaths were in Aceh. 

3 σχόλια:

  1. Ein schweres Erdbeben hat am Samstag die Erde vor der indonesischen Inselgruppe der Molukken erschüttert....

    Das Pacific Tsunami Warning Center auf Hawaii erklärte, im Umkreis von 300 Kilometern um das Epizentrum des Bebens seien gefährliche Tsunamis möglich.

    Ein Pazifik-weiter Tsunami drohe jedoch nicht. Das Beben hatte laut US-Behörden eine Stärke von 7,3 auf der Richter-Skala.

    Es gab zunächst keine Berichte über Opfer oder Schäden.

    Nach Angaben der US-Erdbebenwarte USGS fand das Beben am Samstagmorgen 154 Kilometer nordwestlich der indonesischen Insel Kota Ternate statt. Es hatte seinen Ursprung in einer Tiefe von 47 Kilometern

  2. Very small tsunami waves were detected in two places in eastern Indonesia following a powerful 7. 3-magnitude quake on Saturday, indicating there was no serious tsunami threat, officials of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said...

    The tsunami wave with height of 0.09 meter off Jailolo island and 0.01 meter off Tobelo island of North Maluku province were detected by the agency, Jarisman, official of the agency told Xinhua by phone.

    "This is safe. It means that big waves will not come ashore," Ramli, coordinator of operation at the meteorology and geophysics station in the province told Xinhua by phone.

    1. Indonesia tsunami alert lifted ...

      Brief tsunami warnings have been lifted after a 7.3-magnitude earthquake under the Molucca Sea in eastern Indonesia.

      The earthquake struck at a depth of 46km (28 miles) northwest of Kota Ternate in the Maluku islands, according to the US Geological Survey.

      A 9 cm (3.5 inch) wave reached the island of Jailolo but caused no damage, according to Indonesia's meteorological agency.

      There were no immediate reports of casualties.................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30066518


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