The partners in Israel's Tamar gas field announced on Sunday they have signed a bid to sell at least five billion cubic meters of natural gas over three years to private consumers in Egypt.
The Tamar partners, led by Texas-based Noble Energy and the Israeli Delek Group, said in a statement that they have signed a letter of intent with Dolphinus Holdings, a consortium of industrial and commercial gas consumers and distributors in Egypt.
The partners said the gas will be sold based on Brent crude oil prices, with estimated revenue of about 700 million US dollars per year.
The gas would be transferred via an old pipeline in Sinai peninsula that was built nearly a decade ago to carry gas from Egypt to Israel. However, gas flow ceased in 2012 given the ousting of the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and repeated sabotages by Sinai militants.
A few weeks later, the partners in the Leviathan gas field, a consortium also led by Noble Energy and Delek Group, signed a letter of intent to sell seven billion cubic meters to British Gas in Egypt.
Discovered in 2009 off Israel's northern city of Haifa, the Tamar field is believed to contain about 223 billion cubic meters of gas. Production there began in March 2013.
In February, Israel became a gas exporter for the first time when Tamar's partners signed a deal to supply 500 million US dollars worth of gas to two Jordanian companies.
Source:Xinhua -
The Tamar partners, led by Texas-based Noble Energy and the Israeli Delek Group, said in a statement that they have signed a letter of intent with Dolphinus Holdings, a consortium of industrial and commercial gas consumers and distributors in Egypt.
The partners said the gas will be sold based on Brent crude oil prices, with estimated revenue of about 700 million US dollars per year.
The gas would be transferred via an old pipeline in Sinai peninsula that was built nearly a decade ago to carry gas from Egypt to Israel. However, gas flow ceased in 2012 given the ousting of the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and repeated sabotages by Sinai militants.
- Earlier on May 5, the Tamar partners planned to transfer one- fifth of their gas in 15 years to Egypt for liquefaction and then exporting abroad.
A few weeks later, the partners in the Leviathan gas field, a consortium also led by Noble Energy and Delek Group, signed a letter of intent to sell seven billion cubic meters to British Gas in Egypt.
Discovered in 2009 off Israel's northern city of Haifa, the Tamar field is believed to contain about 223 billion cubic meters of gas. Production there began in March 2013.
In February, Israel became a gas exporter for the first time when Tamar's partners signed a deal to supply 500 million US dollars worth of gas to two Jordanian companies.
Source:Xinhua -
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ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήLes exploitants du gisement de gaz sous-marin israélien Tamar ont signé une lettre d'intention avec un consortium privé égyptien pour lui livrer jusqu'à 2,5 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz naturel par an, ont-ils indiqué lundi.
Le gaz transiterait sous forme liquide par le gazoduc de la compagnie égyptienne East Mediterranean Gas (EMG) via lequel l'Egypte fournissait à Israël jusqu'en 2012 plus de 40% de sa consommation de gaz. Cette inversion de flux illustre l'accession d'Israël au statut de potentielle puissance exportatrice d'énergie. La livraison de gaz par l'Egypte à Israël grâce au gazoduc d'EMG s'était arrêtée en avril 2012 après de nombreuses attaques contre les installations qui traversaient le Sinaï -péninsule frontalière de l'Etat hébreu et de la bande de Gaza- où des groupes jihadistes sont très actifs. Les négociations exclusives entre Tamar Partners et la compagnie égyptienne Dolphinus Holdings - "un consortium de clients industriels et commerciaux égyptiens privés" selon les exploitants - portent sur un accord de sept années qui représenterait, selon les experts, plus de trois milliards d'euros. Les réserves de Tamar, à 80 kilomètres au large de Haïfa, dans le nord d'Israël, sont estimées à 250 milliards de mètres cubes (BCM). L'exploitation a commencé en mars 2013. La société américaine Noble Energy en détient 36%. Quatre partenaires israéliens se partagent le reste du gisement. Outre Tamar, un autre champ offshore particulièrement prometteur a été découvert au large des côtes israéliennes en Méditerranée: Leviatan, avec 540 milliards de mètres cubes, dont la production débutera en 2016. Ses exploitants ont signé début septembre un protocole d'accord avec la Jordanie qui ferait d'Israël le principal fournisseur du royaume hachémite pour les 15 prochaines années, selon Noble Energy. (Belga)