Experts have been trying to restore communication with the Foton-M research satellite that so far fails to receive commands from the Earth, the Mission Control Centre (MCC) outside Moscow told Itar-Tass on Thursday.
“We currently receive telemetric data from Foton, however, we cannot transmit commands from the Earth to the satellite so far, that is we have only one-way connection. Experts are now trying to restore the communication.”
Russia launched its fourth Foton-M research satellite last Friday to begin a sixty-day mission for an array of creatures and biological experiments. Liftoff atop a Soyuz-2-1a rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome occurred at 02:50 a.m., local time on July 18.
“We currently receive telemetric data from Foton, however, we cannot transmit commands from the Earth to the satellite so far, that is we have only one-way connection. Experts are now trying to restore the communication.”
Russia launched its fourth Foton-M research satellite last Friday to begin a sixty-day mission for an array of creatures and biological experiments. Liftoff atop a Soyuz-2-1a rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome occurred at 02:50 a.m., local time on July 18.
Ground control commands do not reach Russian satellite Foton...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThe connection has been disrupted between the ground control centre and Russian satellite Foton which was launched on July 19, the press service of rocket space centre Progress which had developed the satellite told ITAR-TASS on Thursday.
Meanwhile, “the telemetric information is coming from the spacecraft about operation of all onboard systems and then it is being processed and analyzed,” Progress centre said. “Examination results show that all service systems of the spacecraft function in strict compliance with the operating logic of onboard control system of the satellite. The design and onboard system allow for operating capacity and a durable autonomous operation of the satellite,” the developing company added.
Specialists are restoring stable connection with Foton and are providing for fulfillment of planned orbital mission program.
The connection was lost with the biosatellite after it had made several orbit revolutions, space rocket centre Progress said. Meanwhile, the launch of the spacecraft and its separation from the booster passed as scheduled, the company added.
“Meanwhile, all onboard satellite systems operated as scheduled” during initial planned operations on the orbit, Progress centre added...................
Biological experiments onboard of Foton-M, a research spacecraft carrying life in space, are being held according to schedule despite a communication breakdown with the spacecraft, Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) press secretary Oleg Voloshin told RIA Novosti on Thursday....
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή“The biological experiments started as soon as the satellite was launched. The scientific equipment used for the experiments operates properly. We receive the telemetry data from the spacecraft and analyze it. … The current tasks have so far been fulfilled,” he said.
The biological mission of Foton-M satellite includes eight experiments. The experiments with five geckos suppose their reproduction in space.
Foton-M was launched on July 19 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on a mission to study the effect of weightlessness on plants and insects, and to conduct experiments on the growth of semiconductor crystals.