Cette annonce de l'Union européenne intervient alors que 200 000 opposants au président Ianoukovitch sont rassemblés dans les rues de Kiev.
Alors que l'Ukraine s'enfonce dans une grave crise politique, l'Union européenne met la pression. L'UE a annoncé, dimanche 15 décembre qu'elle suspendait les négociations avec Kiev sur l'accord d'association et de libre-échange. Cette décision intervient alors qu'une manifestation monstre est organisée par les pro-européens à Kiev.
Le commissaire européen chargé de l'Élargissement, Stefan Füle, a indiqué sur son compte Twitter qu'il avait lancé un avertissement, il y a une semaine, au premier vice-Premier ministre ukrainien Serhiy Arbouzov. Il lui avait stipulé que la poursuite des discussions dépendait d'un "engagment clair" du président Viktor Ianoukovitch à signer cet accord. Il s'y est refusé il y a un mois.
Serhiy Arbouzov avait pourtant assuré jeudi que l'Ukraine signerait "bientôt" un accord avec l'UE à l'occasion d'un déplacement à Bruxelles.
Les manifestants ont reçu dimanche un soutien de poids. Les sénateurs américains John McCain et Christopher Murphy ont pris la parole sur la place. "L'Amérique est avec vous", a lancé l'ancien candidat à la présidentielle de 2008. "Votre destin est en Europe. L'Europe sera meilleure avec l'Ukraine, l'Ukraine sera meilleure avec l'Europe", a-t-il poursuivi.
The EU said Sunday it was suspending work on how to implement an Association Agreement with Ukraine after President Viktor Yanukovych failed to make a clear commitment to signing the deal he ditched late last month.
Brussels had told Ukraine that further discussions required a "clear commitment (to) sign (but) Work on hold, had no answer," EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said in a tweeted message.
"Ukraine: Words and deeds of President and government regarding #AssocAgreement further and further apart," Fuele said. "Their arguments have no grounds in reality," he added.
Fuele made his comments as at least 200,000 pro-EU demonstrators began another mass rally in Kiev to press Yanukovych to sign the accord.
Yanukovych is under intense pressure to decide whether to sign up with the West or to join a Russian-led Customs Union bringing together several other former Soviet states.
He is set to travel to Moscow on Tuesday to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The European Union has repeatedly made clear that the Association Agreement itself remains on the table but that its terms cannot be renegotiated.
At the same time, it has suggested it could help Kiev in its implementation, especially by working with the International Monetary Fund to get much-needed financial assistance.
Last week, Fuele told visiting Ukraine Deputy Premier Serhiy Arbuzov that once there was a firm commitment from Ukraine to sign the pact, the EU would help prepare a "roadmap" for its implementation.
This would include talks to "examine in depth all issues related to the implementation of the agreement".
EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton had said Thursday after talks with Yanukovych that the president told her he would sign the EU pact.
Brussels immediately dismissed the idea of such a loan, saying the EU would not get involved in a bidding war over Ukraine's future.
U.S. Senator John McCain met Saturday in the Ukrainian capital with key government and opposition leaders, ahead of a mass rally aimed at forcing the Kyiv government and its leader, President Viktor Yanukovych, from power.
McCain voiced support for protesters who have occupied central Kyiv for much of the past three weeks, telling reporters he is "proud of what the people of Ukraine are doing so they can restore democracy to their country."
McCain is the latest in a string of Western dignitaries to tour the huge makeshift protest encampment since demonstrations erupted last month over a presidential decision to back away from a key trade deal with the European Union. Kyiv says it will instead focus on repairing and strengthening economic ties with Russia.
Moscow had not directly commented on the McCain visit. But Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking Saturday, said Western governments had, in his words, "apparently lost the sense of reality" in opposing Ukraine's turn toward Moscow.
Earlier Saturday, President Yanukovych -- in a bid to ease tensions in the capital -- suspended key government officials for their suspected roles in a violent November 30 police crackdown on demonstrators.
Ukraine's opposition leaders are calling for a new mass protest in Kyiv on Sunday, while supporters of Mr. Yanukovych are also planning a demonstration just a kilometer away.
A poll by Ukraine's non-governmental Research & Branding group released earlier this month shows 46 percent of Ukrainians favoring the EU trade pact. Thirty-six percent were shown favoring a rival trade bloc of former Soviet republics and satellite countries that is being pushed by Moscow.
On nous a dit que cette manifestation serait pour la paix et l'unité de l'Ukraine, et sur place il s'est avéré que c'est un rassemblement pour le Parti des régions" du président Ianoukovitch, se plaint Tetiana Skliarenko, 58 ans, qui s'est déplacée en car avec tout un groupe, en échange d'une promesse de rémunération.
Alors que l'Ukraine s'enfonce dans une grave crise politique, l'Union européenne met la pression. L'UE a annoncé, dimanche 15 décembre qu'elle suspendait les négociations avec Kiev sur l'accord d'association et de libre-échange. Cette décision intervient alors qu'une manifestation monstre est organisée par les pro-européens à Kiev.
Le commissaire européen chargé de l'Élargissement, Stefan Füle, a indiqué sur son compte Twitter qu'il avait lancé un avertissement, il y a une semaine, au premier vice-Premier ministre ukrainien Serhiy Arbouzov. Il lui avait stipulé que la poursuite des discussions dépendait d'un "engagment clair" du président Viktor Ianoukovitch à signer cet accord. Il s'y est refusé il y a un mois.
Serhiy Arbouzov avait pourtant assuré jeudi que l'Ukraine signerait "bientôt" un accord avec l'UE à l'occasion d'un déplacement à Bruxelles.
200 000 Ukrainiens et John Mc Cain dans la rue
Cette annonce ne devrait pas calmer les manifestants pro-européens rassemblés sur la place de l'Indépendance à Kiev. Ils reprochent en effet au président Ianoukovitch la volte-face du pouvoir ukrainien qui a renoncé à l'intégration européenne au profit d'un rapprochement avec la Russie et son Union douanière.Les manifestants ont reçu dimanche un soutien de poids. Les sénateurs américains John McCain et Christopher Murphy ont pris la parole sur la place. "L'Amérique est avec vous", a lancé l'ancien candidat à la présidentielle de 2008. "Votre destin est en Europe. L'Europe sera meilleure avec l'Ukraine, l'Ukraine sera meilleure avec l'Europe", a-t-il poursuivi.
EU suspends work on Ukraine accord implementation
Brussels had told Ukraine that further discussions required a "clear commitment (to) sign (but) Work on hold, had no answer," EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said in a tweeted message.
"Ukraine: Words and deeds of President and government regarding #AssocAgreement further and further apart," Fuele said. "Their arguments have no grounds in reality," he added.
Fuele made his comments as at least 200,000 pro-EU demonstrators began another mass rally in Kiev to press Yanukovych to sign the accord.
Yanukovych is under intense pressure to decide whether to sign up with the West or to join a Russian-led Customs Union bringing together several other former Soviet states.
He is set to travel to Moscow on Tuesday to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The European Union has repeatedly made clear that the Association Agreement itself remains on the table but that its terms cannot be renegotiated.
At the same time, it has suggested it could help Kiev in its implementation, especially by working with the International Monetary Fund to get much-needed financial assistance.
Last week, Fuele told visiting Ukraine Deputy Premier Serhiy Arbuzov that once there was a firm commitment from Ukraine to sign the pact, the EU would help prepare a "roadmap" for its implementation.
This would include talks to "examine in depth all issues related to the implementation of the agreement".
- In addition, the EU could "facilitate and continue supporting Ukraine and its endeavour ... to sign an agreement with the IMF," Fuele said.
EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton had said Thursday after talks with Yanukovych that the president told her he would sign the EU pact.
- With Ukraine's economy struggling, Ukraine Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on Wednesday said Kiev would like to secure a 20-billion-euro ($27.5-billion) loan from the EU before signing.
Brussels immediately dismissed the idea of such a loan, saying the EU would not get involved in a bidding war over Ukraine's future.
US Senator Visits Ukraine, Backs Opposition Protesters
McCain voiced support for protesters who have occupied central Kyiv for much of the past three weeks, telling reporters he is "proud of what the people of Ukraine are doing so they can restore democracy to their country."
McCain is the latest in a string of Western dignitaries to tour the huge makeshift protest encampment since demonstrations erupted last month over a presidential decision to back away from a key trade deal with the European Union. Kyiv says it will instead focus on repairing and strengthening economic ties with Russia.
Moscow had not directly commented on the McCain visit. But Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking Saturday, said Western governments had, in his words, "apparently lost the sense of reality" in opposing Ukraine's turn toward Moscow.
Earlier Saturday, President Yanukovych -- in a bid to ease tensions in the capital -- suspended key government officials for their suspected roles in a violent November 30 police crackdown on demonstrators.
Ukraine's opposition leaders are calling for a new mass protest in Kyiv on Sunday, while supporters of Mr. Yanukovych are also planning a demonstration just a kilometer away.
A poll by Ukraine's non-governmental Research & Branding group released earlier this month shows 46 percent of Ukrainians favoring the EU trade pact. Thirty-six percent were shown favoring a rival trade bloc of former Soviet republics and satellite countries that is being pushed by Moscow.
Η Δύση ‘έχει χάσει την αίσθηση της πραγματικότητας’....“άγγιξε τα όρια της υστερίας”. -Σεργκέι Λαβρόφ
60 000 pro-gouvernement dans les rues de Kiev, selon la police...
- Ukraine: manifestants "pro-Ianoukovitch" payés pour être présents à Kiev. -John McCain in Ukraine to meet with protesters (2video RT)....
On nous a dit que cette manifestation serait pour la paix et l'unité de l'Ukraine, et sur place il s'est avéré que c'est un rassemblement pour le Parti des régions" du président Ianoukovitch, se plaint Tetiana Skliarenko, 58 ans, qui s'est déplacée en car avec tout un groupe, en échange d'une promesse de rémunération.
Selon plusieurs témoignages, elle est loin d'être la seule "manifestante" recrutée par le pouvoir via un message trompeur pour venir en réalité grossir les rangs des pro-Ianoukovitch lors de la grande contre-manifestation organisée samedi à quelques centaines de mètres de Maïdan, haut lieu de la contestation pro-européenne opposée au régime.
Cette manifestation, qui a réuni environ 35.000 personnes, selon un journaliste de l'AFP (60.000, selon la police et 200.000, selon les organisateurs) se voulait une démonstration de force à la veille d'un nouveau grand rassemblement de l'opposition prévu dimanche. Mais l'humeur y semblait bien moins enthousiaste que dans le camp adverse.........http://www.ellanodikis.net/2013/12/ukraine-manifestants-pro-ianoukovitch.html
15/12/13Cette manifestation, qui a réuni environ 35.000 personnes, selon un journaliste de l'AFP (60.000, selon la police et 200.000, selon les organisateurs) se voulait une démonstration de force à la veille d'un nouveau grand rassemblement de l'opposition prévu dimanche. Mais l'humeur y semblait bien moins enthousiaste que dans le camp adverse.........http://www.ellanodikis.net/2013/12/ukraine-manifestants-pro-ianoukovitch.html
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