Τρίτη, Ιουλίου 02, 2013

Unsuccessful launch rocket "Proton-M". Explosion of rocket Proton-M. Baikonur (VIDEO online)

A Russian Proton-M rocket carrying three GLONASS navigation satellites crashed soon after takeoff from Kazakhstan’s Baikonur cosmodrome.
Immediately after takeoff, the rocket swerved to one side, tried to correct itself, but instead veered in the opposite direction. It then flew horizontally and started to come apart with its engines in full thrust.

Making a huge arch in the air, the rocket plummeted back to earth and exploded on impact close to another launch pad used for Proton commercial launches....

The crash was broadcast live across the country and fears of a possible toxic fuel leak immediately surfaced following the incident. While no such leak has been confirmed, the rocket was initially carrying over 600 tons of toxic propellants.
There have reportedly been no casualties to surroundings structures and the town of Baikonur was not affected.  

An accident board headed by Aleksandr Lopatin, deputy head of Russia’s space agency Roskosmos, has been created to investigate the crash.
****Se estrella el cohete ruso Proton-M segundos después de su lanzamiento
El cohete portador ruso de clase pesada Proton, que llevaba tres satélites del sistema de navegación GLONASS, se estrelló menos de un minuto después de su lanzamiento desde el Cosmódromo de Baikonur (VIDEO YouTube)




3 σχόλια:

  1. Πύραυλος Proton-M έπεσε αμέσως μετά την εκτόξευση....

    Διαστημικός πύραυλος-φορέας Proton-M αμέσως μετά την εκτόξευση ξαφνικά άλλαξε κατεύθυνση πτήση, άρχισε να πέφτει και εξερράγη στο χώρο του κοσμοδρομίου του Μπαϊκονούρ στο Καζακστάν. Σύμφωνα με προκαταρκτικές πληροφορίες, κανείς δεν τραυματίστηκε.

    Ο πύραυλος Proton-M έπρεπε να μεταφέρει σε τροχιά τρεις ρωσικούς πλοηγικούς δορυφόρους Glonass-Μ.

    Στο μέρος της πτώσης του πυραύλου στην επιφάνεια της γης μπορούσαν να διαρρεύσουν περίπου 500 τόνοι τοξικών συστατικών του πυραυλικού καυσίμου.

    Πηγή στο διαστημικό κλάδο υπολογίζει τις απώλειες από τη πτώση του πυραύλου και των τριών διαστημικών συσκευών Glonass-Μ σε περίπου 200 εκατ. δολάρια. Τα αίτια του ατυχήματος διερευνούνται.

  2. Russian booster rocket crashes after launch in Kazakhstan....

    MOSCOW – A Russian booster rocket carrying three satellites crashed at a Russia-leased cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Tuesday shortly after the launch.

    The Proton-M booster unexpectedly shut down the engine 17 seconds into the flight and crashed some over a mile away from the Baikonur launch pad, the Russian Space Agency said in a statement.

    Russian officials said there were no casualties or damage immediately reported. Meanwhile, the Interfax news agency quoted Kazakh Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Bozhkov as saying that the burning rocket fuel has blanketed the launch pad with a toxic cloud. But he said authorities have yet to determine its potential danger to the environment.

    Another Proton-M booster crashed in Baikonur in August 2012 when it failed to place two satellites into orbit. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev chided officials after that incident, saying that Russia had lost ten satellites in seven failed launches in just over a year.

    Russian space officials have blamed the failures on manufacturing flaws and engineering mistakes. But observers say that the problem is rooted in a post-Soviet industrial meltdown that has stalled the modernization of the space industry.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/07/02/russian-booster-rocket-crashes-in-kazakhstan/#ixzz2Xs6KaL2p

  3. 3 Senior Managers Fired Over Proton-M Crash...

    MOSCOW, August 23 (RIA Novosti) – Three senior managers at Russia’s Khrunichev space company were dismissed over a Proton-M space rocket’s crash last month, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said Friday.

    The Khrunichev-made rocket, carrying three satellites for the Glonass positioning system, Russia’s rival to the United States’ GPS, fell to the ground in flames shortly after blastoff on July 2.

    Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, determined that the crash occurred because the rocket’s angular velocity sensors were installed upside down, causing the craft to veer off course. The combined cost of the lost rocket and satellites was estimated at $135 million.

    Rogozin said Friday that the deputy general director of quality control and management at Khrunichev, Alexander Kobzar, the head of final assembly, Valery Grekov, and the chief of the technical control department, Mikhail Lebedev, had been dismissed for “inappropriate fulfillment of duties during the production and preparation of the Proton-M.”

    He added that a special state commission would present a final report on the Proton-M crash “in about a month, sometime after September 20.” The responsibility for the crash among the staff and management of Roscosmos is to be determined after the report is presented to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.


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