Δευτέρα, Φεβρουαρίου 04, 2013

Inside Fukushima: TEPCO releases pics from inside nuclear plant after tsunami (PHOTOS)

Heaps of debris, power lines downed, smoke rising from demolished roof of what used to be the Fukushima reactor before the devastating tsunami hit the plant in March 2011 – TEPCO offers photos taken in the weeks after the disaster.
­Fukushima operator, Tokyo Electric Power, released 2,145 pictures it took between March 15 and April 11. Some of them were taken by the workers. TEPCO also took them from other sources after asking employees and subcontractors to submit any photos they took.
The company said it received more pictures than they published February 1, but decided to withhold 849, citing "protection of sensitive data" relating to nuclear technology.

The photographs are the evidence of the chaos workers had to deal with in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami as they struggled to prevent the world's worst nuclear disaster for a generation.
Some pictures show machines spraying water into the No. 4 reactor to cool the fuel rods.
Among the photos are images of the wreck of the No. 3 reactor building after a hydrogen explosion on March 14, 2011.
Almost two years on from the disaster the clean-up operation is far from complete.
The tsunami on March 11 in 2011 resulted in a reactor meltdown and the release of radioactive material.
Hundreds of thousands of homes and other structures were destroyed by the inundation.
The natural disaster claimed around 19,000 lives and hundreds of thousands evacuated. Some 160,000 are still not allowed to be back to their houses in the vicinity of the power plant. Scientists say it could take up to 40 years to make some parts of the area safe again while others warn it may never be habitable.
This is the largest release of images and follows the first set of 600 photos made public in September 2012.

2 σχόλια:

  1. Διαρροή μολυσμένου νερού από το πυρηνικό εργοστάσιο της Φουκουσίμα....

    Η εταιρία που διαχειρίζεται το πυρηνικό εργοστάσιο της Φουκουσίμα ανακοίνωσε στη διάρκεια της νύχτας πως υπάρχει διαρροή μολυσμένου νερού από υπόγεια δεξαμενή στο έδαφος. Η Tepco εκτιμά πως η ποσότητα του μολυσμένου νερού που έχει διαρρεύσει φτάνει τους 120 τόνους.

    Μέχρι τώρα δεν έχουν γίνει γνωστά τα αίτια της διαρροής.

    Η υπόγεια δεξαμενή διαθέτει τρεις ειδικές επιστρώσεις που εμποδίζουν το νερό να περάσει στο έδαφος.

    Η δεξαμενή με διαστάσεις 60 Χ 53 μέτρα βρίσκεται σε βάθος έξι μέτρων και απέχει περίπου 800 μέτρα από τον ωκεανό. Η Tepco θεωρεί ότι υπάρχει πολύ μικρή πιθανότητα το μολυσμένο νερό να έχει φτάσει στη θάλασσα.

    Η εταιρία άρχισε το πρωί του Σαββάτου τη μεταφορά με τη βοήθεια αντλιών των 13.000 τόνων νερού από την δεξαμενή που προκλήθηκε η διαρροή σε άλλη.

    Χθες Παρασκευή, η Tepco ανακοίνωσε την διακοπή λειτουργίας τους συστήματος ψύξης της δεξαμενής εξαντλημένων καυσίμων από τον αντιδραστήρα 3. Η λειτουργία αποκαταστάθηκε λίγες ώρες αργότερα.


  2. Japan Reports Soaring Fukushima Groundwater Radiation...

    TOKYO, July 9 (RIA Novosti) - Radioactive cesium levels in one of the observation wells at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in north-east Japan have jumped up 90 times over the past 3 days, the NHK television said Tuesday.

    NHK cited a report from Tokyo Electric Power Company, the plant’s operator, saying that “9,000 becquerels of cesium 134 and 18,000 becquerels of cesium 137 per liter of water at a well between the No. 2 reactor building and the sea” were recorded on Monday.

    TEPCO experts have been unable so far to determine the cause of the sudden rise in cesium levels, or to assess the impact of the spike on the nearby ocean.

    In addition, seawater in the port next to the Fukushima plant has been showing increasing levels of radioactive tritium since May, the company said.

    Fukushima NPP was partially destroyed in March 2011, when Japan was hit by a massive 9.0-magnitude quake and ensuing tsunami, claiming over 15,000 lives and triggering a number of explosions at the plant.

    The tsunami caused a partial meltdown at three of the nuclear plant’s reactors. Radiation leaked into the atmosphere, soil and seawater, making the accident the world's worst nuclear disaster after Chernobyl.

    Japan will need at least 40 years to recover fully from the nuclear catastrophe, scientists say.

    Some 315,000 victims are still living in a temporary housing unable to return to their houses in the plant’s vicinity.


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