Πέμπτη, Οκτωβρίου 18, 2012

Time for climate action, 'to build the world we like' | EurActiv

It is time to empower citizens to lower their carbon footprint, writes EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, who has launched a new educational campaign: A world you like. With a climate you like.
"With daily media reports about record CO2 emissions, record ice melts, record droughts, record rainfalls, record food prices, it is no wonder that people get frustrated and concerned about climate change.
When the Commission polled 27,000 Europeans last year, people across the continent responded that they were more worried about the climate challenge than they were before the big climate summit in Copenhagen in 2009. No surprise, in fact.
Of course most people realise that the climate problem wasn't kind enough to disappear, just because we got busy handling the economic crisis.........Time for climate action, 'to build the world we like' | EurActiv

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